Most recent contributions
While I am in total agreement with Josh Craddock’s WorldNetDaily article entitled Have Conservatives Lost Same-Sex Marriage Debate? where he states that 65 to 70% of young people see no problem with same sex marriage, the problem is that the Church has…
While I am in total agreement with Josh Craddock’s WorldNetDaily article entitled Have Conservatives Lost Same-Sex Marriage Debate? where he states that 65 to 70% of young people see no problem with same sex marriage, the problem is that the Church has…
If I was to say that there is an Intuitive Source of Knowledge that when fully developed and matured, is in fact far superior to the wisdom and assumptions of alleged experts, few people would even understand what I was making reference to. Why? L…
If I was to say that there is an Intuitive Source of Knowledge that when fully developed and matured, is in fact far superior to the wisdom and assumptions of alleged experts, few people would even understand what I was making reference to. Why?…
While Doomsday prophets proclaim that they are promoting the Word of God in their End Times predictions, what they are in effect serving is the AntiChrist. One of the definitions of insanity is of course doing the same thing over and over again,…
A group of self described non-theists have begun to put up what they portray as free thought billboards around the Triangle region of North Carolina (see Billboards). And what they fail to realize is the fact that they are very much a part of the…
In a recent letter to the Conservative News on the Human Events web site, I wrote to the author of the article entitled How To Annoy An Atheist. And while I openly acknowledge the right of the author to annoy the Atheists who confront him — my q…
Greetings John W. Loftus:I found your review of the Bart D. Ehrman book, Jesus, Interrupted: Revealing The Hidden Contradictions in the Bible very interesting. And I took note that you are the author of Why I Became An Atheist, and The C…
Greetings David Barton:While I have listened to you countless times on the Glenn Beck program — and while you and Judge Napolitano are a great asset to those seeking to understand their God-Given Constitutional Rights — there is an important elemen…
It is written in the historical records that the original disciples opposed the person today known as Paul. Yet, when rightfully understood, those today who are attempting to escape the paganism of the Church by rejecting Paul — in not understan…