Why Are There School Shootings? May 18, 2013
The recent Newtown school shooting (see Shooting) of 20 young children and 6 women administrators has provoked many questions as to why such senseless events happen? If there is a God, then why would God permit such atrocities to snuff out the lives of innocent children? And while many clergy have provided the typical blind-faith variety of answers — making light of the fact that the Bible states that every event that happens in the life of man has been ordained by the Hand of God. Yet, these clergy remain without the ability to answer such questions, because of the great void which the dogma of Roman Emperors (see The Religion Of Emperors) has created. Therefore, in addition to the great question of evil in the world, the Church is without the ability to answer the question: Do We Have Freewill? Thus, with the anathema and suppression of important biblical teachings, Christians are hopelessly inept to understand the Natural Laws of this world — remaining totally ignorant as to Why Bad Things Happen To Good People — and especially the Conditions Of Birth that each person is born into (see Conditions of Birth – Life – Death).
In a previous article entitled Gov. Rich Snyder Saves The People Of Michigan, I portray anyone who supports the Secular Progressives, the Unions and Democrat Party, as being shackled by the sin of infanticide. But it is also true that those who escape the fate of being ripped out of the womb in an abortion — and are actually born into this world — must then contend with the Master Abortionist that severs the child from the reality of their soul in the public school environment. That the lack of School Choice constitutes a mortal sin that causes the spiritual death of young children, is a reality that every American is held accountable for (see God’s Indictment Of The Church). And it is this reality that the American People who remain virtually ignorant of the workings and movements of the Natural laws in people’s lives, have not yet come to terms with.
In the same way that Rabbi Ovadia Yosefan, the former chief rabbi of Israel — a religious scholar who was also the spiritual leader of the Shas party — made the statement that no innocent Jews died in the Holocaust. What Rabbi Yosefan said was that the 6 million Holocaust victims “…were reincarnations of the souls of sinners, people who transgressed and did all sorts of things that should not be done” (see Conditions of Birth – Life – Death). And that unbeknown to most people, in the same way that there were souls born into this life to repay karmic debts incurred in their previous lives, there were also souls born into this life expressly to die in the personal sacrifice to stop Hitler. And once the Laws of this world are understood, it is also true that there are souls being born into this life at the present time to stop the spiritual slaughter of innocent children who are sacrificed on the altar of the public school system which supports the Marxist Secular Progressive agenda (see Jim Wallis – Has This Man Sold Your Soul To The Devil?). And because spiritually complacent Christians have ignored the mandates and requirements of the Original Teachings of Jesus (see TheLie.org), the Natural Laws can only bring about necessary change by forcing people to react to catastrophes such as the Newtown school shooting.
Man has freewill (see The Great Paradox Of Freewill). And when mankind refuses to act and accommodate change when it has been presented to him, then the Natural Laws must shove him in the direction he is supposed to go and move in. Each atrocity and negative action in the life of mankind, is usually followed by a positive action on the part of many people in the opposite direction. Thus, the Newtown school shootings will force many parents to seek out an alternative school for their children — even to the extent of homeschooling their children. And in this respect, the children who perished at the hands of a deranged gunman, will have entered this life in a parallel sacrifice to those who were killed in halting such despots as Hitler — except the innocent lives of these children were sacrificed so that other children will escape the spiritual death of the Master Abortionist who destroys the lives of the children in the nations public school system.
While this may seem harsh to the parents of these children, it remains true that many souls enter this world to become a sacrifice to set others free from despots and spiritual death. Man’s freewill must be preserved so he can learn and evolve through making proper choices with respect to the conditions that each person’s life presents to them. With good reason the Apostle Paul warns the Christian: “But now I am writing you that you must not associate with anyone who calls himself a brother but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or a slanderer, a drunkard or a swindler. With such a man do not even eat” (1 Cor 5:11 NIV – see All Who Call Upon The Name Of The Lord). Yet, Christians not only ignore this requirement set forth by Paul and sit at the table with the morally unclean — but they send their children to schools where impressionable young minds are indoctrinated into a spiritually bankrupt mindset and lifestyle. And thus, in the same way that souls have entered this world to be sacrificed to halt the rule of despots throughout man’s history, souls are entering this world to sacrifice themselves on the alter of the unclean and morally bankrupt public schools, so that other children might escape the spiritual death that is being imposed upon them by a complacent Church which refuses to do what is right.
Gov. Rick Snyder Saves The People Of Michigan May 18, 2013
When Gov. Rick Snyder brought CHOICE to the people of Michigan with the new law which permits a person to work and not be part of the union political machine, he in effect released them from the yoke of bondage that shackles them to a future of…
Why Can’t I Rember My Past Lives? May 18, 2013
In a recent forum discussion (see Nazirene Disciple Forum) I was asked the question as to why most people don’t remember their past lives. My answer that I will present in the below, will be in the form of two different responses to the question? As a preface to my below explanation, it is important for the reader to be cognizant of the fact that the biblical authors warned that it is virtually impossible for the mind of “natural” organic man to comprehend his own higher soul and spiritual reality — as detailed in the Prologue Of The Key Of Knowledge — and to their own spiritual undoing, Christians perpetually ignore this warning. Secondly, it is easily demonstrated that while Jesus taught the reality of the pre-existent soul that evolves to perfection over the course of many lifetimes (see Christian Reincarnation), he did not teach reincarnation from an Eastern or New Age perspective. That a Roman Emperor outlawed the teachings on the pre-existent soul (see Outlawed) — literally forcing the Church to accept his decree — does not in any manner negate the Truth. But what it does do with respect to the search for Truth within the body of Christian believers, is render them spiritually impotent. Thirdly, the person you are in this world is not your true self (see The Divine Counterpart) — but rather, an embryonic image of your higher soul-self that has been generated into the body you are presently using as a vehicle in this world with the objective of mental and spiritual developmental evolution — as presented at SoulSelf.org . Now, in answer to the question?
In order to develop a fuller picture, the intuitive must be both developed and brought into balance with the linear, and then the two must be evolved up into the higher spheres that are not naturally supported by the physical body-senses and organic physical mind. And what this means from the perspective of those who cannot recall past lives, is that if such a person had the ability to tap into their intuitive and see their soul’s previous lifetimes, they could not possess the linear attributes of mind that they presently do — and thus, they would not be in a position to develop those linear attributes of mind — or, take part in a union of opposites that would have the potential of developing the higher third-force. Each of us is not only different — possessing different strengths and abilities — but these differences are extremely important for us to begin to understand, if we are to grasp the more enlightened perception of the life that we are living.
We can define empathy as the ability to suspend one’s own self in the endeavor to project one’s self into the life and thinking of another, in order to perceive and understand the world from their perspective. And what this means is that while you may not agree with their perception of life because they are also representative of 1/144,000th of the whole, they do possess a fragment or lesser pearl that you must possess within yourself, in order begin to achieve Wholeness within your own self — which is accomplished by expanding your own mind, consciousness and being (see Expansion And Heightening Of Mind) beyond natural physical organic limitations. But herein lies the problem — i.e., empathy only works when you are able to suspend judgment — as detailed in the Gospel — because judgment is partisan and parochial and is itself limited to a fragment of mind/whole. Yet, while judgement is an extremely limiting factor, one of the elements that is absolutely necessary to the expansion of mind, is discernment. I can discern the vision and perception of life through the eyes of a homosexual, a whore, a thief, a liberal or conservative, a person of a certain philosophical or theological persuasion, as well as every other fragmented variety of human condition. By suspending judgment, and empathetically inserting myself into the conditions of my brothers and sisters, I can not only see from their perspective — but I can then use that person as a catalyst to interact with that part of myself that is in harmony with that other person. And each time I am able to do this, I am in effect expanding my own mind, consciousness and being. That does not mean that I agree with their very limited and fragmented assessment of life — but rather, that by empathetically projecting myself into their mind and thinking, and using them as a reflective catalyst, I can collect one of the lesser pearls within myself — which eventually can be exchanged for the Pearl of Great Price that is beyond natural organic human conception, because of the limiting factor of the Natural Laws.
Homosexuals claim that they were created homosexual — and while many people may be in denial of this claim, it is fundamentally true (see Conditions Of Birth). The question that should be asked is: Why has such a person been born homosexual in this present life? In fact, modern science has about proven that each person is born hard-wired to the life that they are presently living. A liberal, is a liberal, because his thinking is hard-wired to that manner of perception and thinking — as is a conservative. Ultra-liberal Alan Combs is incapable of seeing the world from the perspective of Right-wing Sean Hannity — and their perceptive thinking is hard-wired to opposite spheres of mind. Which one is right? It is not a question of right or wrong, because they both possess an important fragmented piece of the enigmatic puzzle — which when combined with many other fragmented pieces, creates the whole that is maintained across the spectrum of human thought by the Natural Laws that control our lives.
The Gospel message tells us not to judge our brothers and sisters, because judgment is predicated on a perception of right and wrong. Yet, the Gospel also requires a very high level of discernment. If not even a sparrow can fall to the earth apart from the Will of God (see The Great Christian Quagmire) — and each person is preordained and hard-wired to the life they are presently living — then while ideological judgment is in and of itself the embodiment of evil, discernment and being extremely cognizant of the fact that choices have consequences that must be lived out, is a human reality that must be intimately embraced by those who aspire to arise to man’s highest potential. The fact that we are all different — and to perceive and evolve the ability to understand the causal factors that hard-wire us to these often radically opposite differences — is of the highest importance in overcoming our own natural limitations — and ultimately acquiring the Pearl of Great Price.
When you enroll in a course of study, the instructor does not teach the course in any manner of his choosing. The math teacher does not teach science, history, English Literature, music or cooking. In like manner, there is a language association in mathematics — a different language in science — in music, healing and medicine, as well as all other such courses of study. In each course of study, there is a predetermined syllabus and curriculum that must be followed, in order to bring about certain results. And in this respect, each person’s life is a course of study — and as such, is following a predetermined syllabus that is intended to bring about certain results. In order to learn certain lessons, it is necessary for some people to be born poor. Others to be born rich. Medical science has already demonstrated that some people are born with the greater potential of an almost inconceivable number of addictions. Some people are born virtuous, others not so, while still others become conscious of the need to develop virtue. Einstein was born into the life of genus. Mozart composed and performed at the age of five. Da Vinci was born to be a painter. Siddhārtha Gautama was born to be the Buddha, as was Jesus born to live the role that he fulfilled. All the world is a stage — a stage of learning — and each person is born into the role that they are to play on the stage of life. There are no accidents (see Conditions Of Birth), and each person is born with abilities in accord with the lessons of life they have been preordained to learn. And when we apply this realty to a person’s ability to see the previous lives that their higher soul-self has lived, then this ability would be contingent upon the individual requirements of the syllabus and curriculum of the life that the person is presently living — natural abilities which each person is born into this life to develop into a strength and pearl.
What is important is to achieve your true potential — and you accomplish this by developing the natural abilities you were imbued with when you entered this life. The Pearl of Great Price is when you can see and understand from the perspective and Being of your higher Soul-Self who is the balance and cumulation of all the fragmented lives that your soul has lived (see Man As An Embryonic Soul-Image). And while you can’t at present simply jump to the soul-level of being and perceive reality from this higher enlightened perspective, you can begin to listen and develop the empathetic intuition necessary to begin to expand one’s own mind, consciousness and being.
In further reply I wrote the following addition to the above:
“good ground” as portrayed in the parable of the Sower and the Seed, then the Kingdom will come within you as you become transformed into what is allegorically portrayed as the Final Temple. Since your higher soul-self which is the conscious cumulative manifestation of all the lives that it has ever lived (see http://SoulSelf.org ) — and already knows more than anyone in this world could ever begin to teach you — the process of mental growth and development is in the endeavor of making the body-vessel a fit environment for the higher soul-self to manifest — and ultimately, the Logos which exists at the very core of your Being.
In the Gospel accounts when Jesus healed, he did so by restoring the person to a condition of “wholeness”. A holistic healer knows that negative experiences and beliefs create blockages in the body-vessel which inhibit the flow of vital life-force — and the fact that this bio-energy must go someplace, it is lost into nature through the carnal appetites and expressions of the physical self. What man portrays as carnal sin, is the result of the loss of the inheritance (vital life-force) by the prodigal son who is living a “riotous” lifestyle — primarily, because his immaturity inhibits his using this bio-energy to empower his higher areas and spheres of mind and being. Thus, because he can’t utilize the bio-energy, it is squandered away on “things of no meaning” and higher significance. Proper exercise, and holistic healing such as Reiki where blockages of energy are released from the body through deep manipulation, should be an integral part of the process of mental development. As is such things as yoga which manipulates and channels the bio-energy of the body — and many other holistic forms of healing.
It is easily proven that the original disciples and followers of Jesus were all vegetarian (see TheConsecratedLife.com ). That the mind and thinking of a flesh-eater is incapable of comprehending the higher impressions necessary to understand man’s soul and spiritual reality, was proven by the account of Charles Fillmore (see Fillmore). The case of Charles Fillmore is important, because as a pillar in the New Thought movement, Fillmore totally rejected the idea that what you eat can affect your thinking and ability to comprehend man’s higher spiritual reality. On a purely physical level, of course, when you eat dead flesh you not only impact the colon and clog up the body with animal fat and cholesterol, but you also flood the blood stream with toxic death and the fear-impressions of the slaughtered animal. But since the colon is the organ that manifests the Foundation sphere of the Tree of Life, an impacted colon that is filled with hardened and putrefied dead animal flesh, simply cannot function at the heightened level necessary to access past-life memories. And this, in conjunction with the blockages of vital life-force throughout the rest of the body — along with the loss of this necessary bio-energy into nature through carnal appetites and expressions — does not permit the seed-essence and/or higher mind to develop — causing the person to remain earth-bound in their thinking. And since the cultural false-personalities of the person has never lived before, such a person is generally incapable of past-life recall.