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The Cosmology Of Mind And The Laws Of LIfe

The Cosmology Of Mind and the Laws of Life. The author of these words in the meme, is admitting to his own blindness, self-ignorance and his limited understanding of life. While I don’t personally agree with the religion of the image of God promo…


Brother Of Yeshua/Jesus 2022-04-21 09:09:00

The Enigma Of The Scriptures — The Inconvenient Truth of the Scriptures   While David Fitzgerald who is often portrayed as “the busiest atheist activist” is not wrong in his critique of Christians and their inability to explain a reasonable…


The Pre-Nicene Position Of The Church On Reincarnat ...

  The Official Pre-Nicene Position Of The Church On ReincarnationTwenty Five percent of American Christians believe in Reincarnation (see SURVEY ).   Are these believers being deceived?  Or are they being intuitively moved by the Holy Sp…


Does God Ignore The Plight Of Mankind?

 Does God Ignore The Plight of Mankind?All the realities that mankind is born into, have a Causal Factor (see The Causal Factors Of Life  http://CausalFactor.Nazirene.org ). Therefore, the question that should be asked is:  What did th…


The Faux-Doctrines Of Pagan Rome

 Why do Christians believe the faux-doctrines of Pagan Rome? The Lie Of Original SinThe name and concept of Original Sin was imported into Christianity directly from Manichaeism — and in no way does this Manichaeism doctrine represent the Gospe…


What Is A Wife? The Transformed Wife.

 What Is A Marriage? The Transformed Wife. The Transformed Wife raises excellent points that deserve an answer. (1) She states: “It can’t be sex that makes a marriage, since many have sex who aren’t married.” Yet, when a woman has sex with a man…


Brother Of Yeshua/Jesus 2021-12-23 10:09:00

Was Jesus physically crucified?  The Epistle of Barnabas who was an eyewitness, says no — but the crucifixion was spiritual (see     https://historyofyesterday.com/this-1500-year-old-bible-states-that-jesus-was-not-crucified-3…


What Constitutes Proof?

 What Constitutes Proof?If you portray the physical as evidence and the source of proof, then you have been sucked into the lie of faux-science which has traditionally rejected anything metaphysical. Why does the rejection of Metaphysical consti…


Brother Of Yeshua/Jesus 2021-11-22 10:38:00

 The Whole Truth That Is Ignored By The Church  Why was the words “Depart From Me, I Never Knew You” said? The most important part of Matt 7:23 was left out. The heart of the statement portrayed those who are Lawless: “I never knew you…


The Law And The Gospels

 The Law And The Gospels Is there a difference between the Old and New Testaments?  No.  The Old and New Testaments are saying the same thing but written in different languages (metaphors,allegories).  Regardless of the fact that …