Home // Monthly Archive for May, 2010

The Christian Satanic Prayer Of Profound Ignorance

I recently got spammed by a group that calls themselves the Christian Prayer Book Store, which is representative of the profound ignorance of the faith-based Christian world as presented in my previous article entitled The Gospel Of Paul.    …


Keeping The Law – A Reply To Richard Rives

I felt the biblical concepts that I set forth in a reply to Richard Rives, president of Wyatt Archaeological Research was so important to every Christian today, that I am presenting my reply in the below.   While Richard Rives is on the right trac…


An Esoteric Reality – A Reply: Why Mom’ ...

Shalom Seekers:With respect to the MomLogic.com article entitled: Why Moms Cheat On Their Man The Day After Mother’s Day , one of the things that I observed in the Evangelical Church that my wife and daughter Crystal used to attend, was the fact that …


Reply: Public Schoolers: How’s That Indoctrin ...

In a recent letter to Patrice Lewis, who has written a book and runs a Blog called Rural Revolution, Mrs. Lewis who has written many excellent WorldNetDaily.com articles (see Articles), attempts to enlighten Americans as to the detrimental effect that …