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O’Reilly vs Duck Dynasty

While I can’t say that Bill O’Reilly’s recent coverage of the Duck Dynasty fiasco was negative, he raised a number of points that failed to put the issues in their proper perspective.   Generally, Phil Robertson was portrayed as a Fundamentalist who promoted outdated biblical morality.   Yet, if it is true that the Gospels were written by Godly Enlightened men, can their Wisdom be outdated?  Can Truth be outdated?  Twice Mr. O’Reilly mentioned the condemnation of homosexuality as stemming from the Old Testament — and yet, it was the New Testament — 1st Corinthians — that Phil Robertson was in fact quoting in the statement: “Don’t be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers — they won’t inherit the kingdom of God. … Don’t deceive yourself. It’s not right.”

O’Reilly then seemed to find fault with Phil Robertson’s statements, and quoted Luke 6:37: “Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven”.  But in not understanding the biblical mandate of discernment vs judgement, the whole issue of sin became clouded.   Was Phil Robertson condemning?  Or was he expressing the need for discernment —  sharing important facts about the very purpose and objective of the life that all of mankind is presently living?  Thus, with respect to the necessity of proper discernment, the Apostle Paul also wrote in 1st Corinthians: “… I have written to you not to keep company with anyone named a brother, who is sexually immoral, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner — not even to eat with such a person.  For what have I to do with judging those also who are outside? Do you not judge those who are inside? But those who are outside God judges. Therefore ‘put away from yourselves the evil person’.”  If we are not to keep company with anyone “…who is sexually immoral, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner”, then the ability to discern what the Gospels portray as sin, is of the utmost importance.  
When it is recognized that the statement in Corinthians quoted by Phil Robertson was as much a polemic against heterosexual infidelity as it was homosexuality, a wise man would want to know: Why does the scriptures impose such strict biblical-based morality upon mankind?   To the degree that adultery and sex outside of marriage are condemned — to the degree that men were told by Jesus that they have already committed adultery if they look upon another woman with lust in their heart?   Further, to the woman caught in adultery, Jesus warned: “…go and sin no more'” (John 8:2-11 NKJ).    Why?   Perhaps the answer lies with what biblical experts confirmed in their excavation of the Dead Sea Scrolls — i.e., that post-Nicene Christianity has virtually nothing in common with the actual first century teachings of Jesus (see The First Fatal Mistake) — which was a religion of transformation where the lost prodigal son gained entrance to the Inner Kingdom (see The Third Fatal Mistake).   And in all instances where Jesus was asked how to enter the Kingdom, his answer was virtually the same — i.e., in the Second Epistle of Clement: “Let us expect, therefore, hour by hour, the kingdom of God in love and righteousness, since we know not the day of the appearing of God. For the Lord Himself, being asked by one when His kingdom would come, replied, ‘When two shall be one, that which is without as that which is within, and the male with the female, neither male nor female’”      
How could this be?  The question should be posed?   When Paul stated that the followers of Jesus were exempt from the (outward ritual) works of the Law of Moses, this is true.   But Paul also stated that the Law of Moses was an allegorical portrayal of the Royal Law that must be fulfilled within the life of the sincere believer.   And it was the proper application of theKey Of Knowledge that would open the inner “narrow strait gate” to the Kingdom (see The Key Of Knowledge And The Cosmology Of Mind).   Thus, Jesus commanded those who would be his followers: “And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?” (Luke 6:46 KJV).   And this is why Jesus warned those who would claim to believe in his teachings: “And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it” (Matt 10:38-39 NKJ).   That the sincere believers in the Gospel teachings were to be in the world and not of it — and to travail in TheWay and transform their lives and become what is portrayed in the previous link as the Final Living Temple — and to have no part in the sin of this world — is very clearly stated in the words of Paul who warned: “For it is impossible to restore again to repentance those who …then commit apostasy, since they crucify the Son of God on their own account and hold him up to contempt.. For if we sin deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful prospect of judgment, and a fury of fire which will consume the adversaries.” (Heb 6:4-6;10:26-27 RSV – see TheLie.org).  If adultery is sin as Jesus stated, can those who willfully commit adultery “…after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful prospect of judgment.   And Christians are warned by the Apostle Paul to have nothing to do with the “sexually immoral, …put away from yourselves the evil person.”  What Phil Robertson was correctly pointing out is the fact that we presently dwell in a culture that is based upon sexual immorality. 

In light of the above profound warning to complacent believers who call upon the Lord with their lips, while failing to live in accord with his Commandments, a sincere seeker would want to know:  How is that condition achieved where “…the male with the female, neither male nor female’”??? And, it must be noted, that unless this condition where the duality of male and female is overcome and wholeness is achieved, the Epistle of Clement which directly quotes the teachings of Jesus that were evidently removed from the Gospels (seeBibleCorruption.com), conveys to the believer that the Kingdom cannot come outwardly where carnal men look for it — because it is within you (Luke 17:20-21). Thus, where Jesus taught that one must achieve the next stage of birth to enter the Kingdom, this overcoming of the duality of male and female has little to do with the civil ordained unions of man and woman in this world — but rather, the subsequent stages of Marriage and secondary birth that modern man does not at all understand the higher reality of. But even more revealing is the similar teaching that has been preserved in the recently recovered Gospel of Thomas where the disciples as Jesus: “Shall we then, as children, enter the kingdom?”   Wherein Jesus teaches when the Kingdom will come (within you): “When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female…” Which provokes the question: how can “you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female…”?   The answer is found in what Jesus taught as Wholeness — and the fact that man and woman are half of each other, and must not only be reunited as ONE — but a Divine Marriage must be instituted and evolved where the two become “one flesh” (Matt 19:5; Mark 10:8) — physically, mentally and spiritually.   And when rightly understood, these verses are not making reference to procreation — but rather, the total integration of male/female on all levels of their being in Absolute Oneness — allegorically reuniting Adam and Eve within the construct of the Consecrated Divine Marriage.    Which means that Marriage itself is a Religious Sacrament — and the vast majority of marriages ordained by the authorities of this world, are little more than stated licensed sex and cohabitation. 

Discernment was of paramount importance to the original disciples of Jesus — and this is especially seen in the statement to the person who Jesus healed: “…sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee” (John 5:14 KJV).   And what this means is that those who sin — especially after coming to the knowledge of the Gospel message — inherit a fate even worse than before they were healed from their sin. To the degree that Paul warned the congregation of believers: , “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows” (Gal 6:7 NIV).   The Question is: How does a man reap what he has sown?   
In the coverage of Phil Robertson Bill O’Reilly portrayed himself as a kind of authority who wrote a book on the life of Jesus.   Taking into account the absolute need for discernment, the proper question that should be posed would be parallel to that in John 9 where it was asked in a discerning manner: “Teacher, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born homosexual?”   And while not righly understood today, this question is well represented in what can be portrayed at the subheading, The Biblical Foundational Mindset.   Did the Jews in the first century believe in the pre-existent soul?  As stated in The Hastings-Scribner Dictionary Of The Bible (New York, 1903. Bk 4, p. 63) “To affirm that Jews in Christ’s time did not believe in pre-existence is simply incorrect”.   Which means that the discernment raised by Phil Robertson with respect to the plight of the homosexual is of paramount importance for all people today to understand.
When rightly understood, Phil Robertson wasn’t judging and condemning anyone — as suggested by Bill O’Reilly and many of his critics.   What Phil Robertson was in fact doing was warning others about the pitfalls of certain behavior which the scriptures portray as immoral and ungodly.   In the words of the Apostle Paul: “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows” (Gal 6:7 NIV) — which can also be portrayed in the words: “Teacher, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born homosexual?”   And this biblically based reality is explored in the subheading The Conditions Of One’s Birth.   And if we ask the question as to why this biblical teaching is not understood today?   The answer is, because the modern Church has shackled itself in the abyss of a Spiritual Diaspora of ignorance, because of its perpetuation of The Religion Of Roman Emperors.

When Bill O’Reilly first announced that he was writing a book, The Killing Of Jesus, I hoped that he would open the Pandora’s Box of the Christian world and reveal the original Gospel teachings that were suppressed by the secular politics of the Roman Church.   The original disciples who walked and talked with the historical man Jesus daily, did not believe that he was God — but very much a true holy man who fulfilled the Royal Law of God within himself, and became At-One with the Indwelling Logos.    Quoting from The Foundational Paradigm Of Mind And Being Jesus was a man who became the Anointed (Messiah/Christ) at his baptism in the Jordan (see The Ten Words), the Church corrupted the very words of God spoken to mankind — because they were too carnal to comprehend the original teachings respecting the man Jesus who was in“…supernatural union of a man and God… In their eyes, Jesus of Nazareth was a mere mortal, the legitimate son of Joseph and Mary: but he was the best and wisest of the human race, selected as the worthy instrument to restore upon earth the worship of the true and supreme Deity. When he was baptized in the Jordan, the Christ, the first of the aeons, the Son of God himself, descended on Jesus in the form of a dove, to inhabit his mind, and direct his actions during the allotted period of his ministry” (Gibbon; The Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire, V.4, P.366).   Or that Jesus was the example and pattern for all of mankind because in the original teachings of the Gospel, Jesus was portrayed as being “…justified by fulfilling the Law. He was the Christ of God, since not one of the rest of mankind had observed the Law completely. Had any one else fulfilled the commandments of the Law, he would have been the Christ.” Hence “when [believers] thus fulfill the law, they are able to become Christs, for they assert that our Lord Himself was a man in like sense with all humanity.”  (Hippolytus, Refut. Omn. Haer. vii. 34).    That the majority of Gentile Christians were too carnal in their thinking, mindset and lifestyle to understand this essential original teaching of the Gospel, is because they could not conceive of the reality that the mind of man is segmented into levels of higher and lower fragmented consciousness that alienates man not only from the inner Kingdom, but the higher reality of his own soul — and ultimately God. 

In 2nd Corinthians Paul confirms the reality that there exists deeper levels of consciousness within the mind of man, and relates the account of being taken up in spirit to the Heavenly Kingdom where he witnessed mysteries which are inconceivable to the faith-based congregation of believers.   Quoting the article Opening The Eyes Of The HeartIf it is true that there are higher realities of being that are totally inconceivable to the mind of the undeveloped faith-based believer (see  Mysteries Of The Gospel) — and by virtue of their immaturity, the biblical authors were powerless to explain in detail many of the important Gospel teachings and concepts — then the spiritually mature author’s of the scriptures who do Know of these higher realities, remain virtually powerless to do anything more than to provide the people with a list of do’s and don’ts, so that the immature Christians will be in a position where they are then better able to evolve to a mature understanding and comprehension of the teachings of Jesus and TheWay.  To totally ignore these do’s and don’ts, without knowing the consequence of one’s choices and actions, is paramount to walking out onto a freeway blindfolded. 

What this means is that Phil Robertson was promoting Gospel-discernment when he expressed the importance of maintaining biblical morality.   In fact, if Phil Robertson was of a more mature spiritual understanding, he would have explained about The Esoteric Reality Of Virginity And Sex — and he would have enlightened the people about The Holographic Pattern Of Sex that is the basis of the biblical prohibitions and morality that the people in our modern culture find outdated.   And while it is true that as a faith-based Christian that Phil Robertson does not possess this higher understanding that has been suppressed by the Church of Rome, it is also true that Phil Robertson is wise and insightful enough not to violate the do’s and don’ts set forth in the Gospels.   For greater understanding, click on the below links for a more in-depth exploration of the relationship of sexual morality and gaining entrance to the Kingdom within.

GodSpeed in TheWay,

Brother of Yeshua/Jesus

The Esoteric Feminine Mystique



Opening The Eyes Of The Heart

The vast majority of faith-based Christians, as well as the opponents of the Church, will immediately reject what is presented on the websites associated with this Blog as “far out” — and even the ravings of a nut!  But is this true?  Or, have these people ignored the warning of the Gospel that Spiritual Knowledge belongs only to those who are themselves Spiritual?   I recently answered this question in a discussion on the Nazirene Ebionite Disciple Forum:

The Knowing and enlightened biblical authors warned that you will not believe or accept a single thing that I will write and say to you (see Mystery Of The Gospel)!   The Lord himself warned that you would cast me out of your Churches.   In like manner, it has been predicted that your clergy and authorities will condemn me as a heretic.   And even suggest that killing me would be doing a good service.     Why?   Because we are all born ignorant and unknowing — and in your present spiritually immature condition, the biblical authors have warned that you will reject the higher reality of your own soul and the mysteries of the Kingdom as utter “foolishness”!   And as the Apostle stated, so long as you remain in this immature and elementary condition — adhering to the dogma and traditions of carnal men — you will not be able to bring about the necessary state of spiritual maturity — and therefore, you will be unable to fulfill the intended purpose and objectives of the Gospel message and teachings!
What are the Original Gospel objectives?  As the lost prodigal sons, the Gospel Message was given unto man in order to empower him — enabling him to evolve to a state of spiritual maturity — which self-empowerment would provide the means for the lost prodigal son to escape the clutches of what is portrayed as the Citizen of this, the Far Country — thereby enabling the prodigal son to break free of the shackles of human suffering and spiritual ignorance, and return to the Edenic Kingdom of Origination from which he originally emerged (see GateOfEden.com).   
That the Good News of the Gospel is merely the beginning, is seen in Paul’s statement that after personally teaching the congregation at Corinth — stating that “I always thank God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus. For in him you have been enriched in every way — in all your speaking and in all your knowledge — because our testimony about Christ was confirmed in you. Therefore you do not lack any spiritual gift as you eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed” (1 Cor 1:4-7 NIV).   Which means that even though Paul taught and conveyed to the congregation of Christians all knowledge concerning what Paul portrayed as the “testimony of Christ” — to the degree that he attested to the fact that they “…do not lack any spiritual gift” — it is also clear that they were somehow awaiting for the “…Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed”.    Which invokes the question: If they had already been taught the Good News in the form of what Paul portrayed as the “testimony of Christ” — and were not lacking in “…any spiritual gift” — then what, exactly, were they still lacking?     
In the second chapter of the very same Epistle Paul warns these believers who he himself had personally given all knowledge and testimony of Christ: “But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned” (1 Cor 2:14 NKJ).  Paul then goes on and warns these believers of a natural mind who were baptized and dedicated to Christ: “And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual men, but as to men of flesh, as to babes in Christ” (1 Cor 3:1 NAS).  Thus, this congregation of confirmed believers who Paul personally taught the “testimony of Christ” and the Good News, could only be taught what Paul portrayed as the entry-level doctrine of Jesus Christ and him crucified (1 Cor 2:2), because they were not yet spiritual men — but rather, they were men of flesh and still very much “babes in Christ”.  Paul then explains that: “I gave you milk to drink, not solid food; for you were not yet able to receive it. Indeed, even now you are not yet able” (1 Cor 3:2 NAS). 
What should be troubling to the modern believer is that Paul openly admits that the baptized and confirmed Christians at Corinth — people who had accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior and received the gifts of the laying on of hands and speaking in tongues — people who were not taught by preachers and priests, but the Apostle himself — were not yet able to understand and comprehend what Paul referred to as the Mysteries of the Gospel of God.   Moreover, Paul went as far as to state to the body of believers that if he was to even attempt to convey to them the true spiritual meaning of the Gospel, that they would utterly reject what he stated as “foolishness”.   Why?   Paul states that the Christians who he had personally taught and instructed into the Good News of the Gospel, were too carnal to comprehend the higher reality of the soul and the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God.   Thus, Paul stated: “And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ.   I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able. For ye are yet carnal…” (1 Cor 3:1-3 KJV).  
If it is true that Paul could not speak openly about the true meaning of the Gospel to the Christian who he had himself instructed because of their carnal condition of mind and being — to the degree that these same Christians would reject what an enlightened Paul knew as “foolishness” from their carnal perspective of self and life — would it be any less true that modern carnal Christians would be any different than those who Paul personally taught?    Could modern Christians who are carnal in their thinking, mindset and lifestyle, comprehend what the very people who Paul himself taught were incapable of understanding?   
To ignore the above fact drawn straight from the pages of the New Testament, is delusional self-deception on the part of the Christian world.   And based upon the spiritual ignorance of counterfeit shepherds such as Martin Luther who attempted to promote the idea that only the literal written word was valid, let me present another quotation out of one of the websites associated with this forum: 

From a biblical perspective: When Jesus taught the people using the enigma of parables that allegorically concealed what he called the Sacred Secrets of the Kingdom, his disciples who had received all truths revealed to them plainly, asked him: Why do you teach them with parables?   What they were asking Jesus is why he did not speak plainly to them?   And thus, Jesus answered his disciples and explained:“Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables: That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand” (Mark 4:11-12 KJV).   Those who are “without”, are those who dwell in what Jesus called the “outer darkness” of mind and being (see Outer Darkness) — and because they dwell “without [in the] outer darkness”, they are incapable of perceiving and understanding anything beyond the base vibratory frequencies of the earth.    The disciples, on the other hand, had abandoned the ways of this world, and were able to spiritually receive the Knowledge of the Sacred Secrets of the Kingdom.    Instead of the word “mystery”, the NIV Bible translates this word the “secret” of the Kingdom of God — i.e., “The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those on the outside everything is said in parables so that, they may be ever seeing but never perceiving, and ever hearing but never understanding; otherwise they might turn and be forgiven!'” (Mark 4:11-12 NIV).

What does it mean to “turn”?  From the perspective of the prodigal son, it is to turn away from the Far Country, and return to the Edenic Kingdom of Origination (see GateOfEden.com).   In the Gospel accounts, particular attention and importance is placed upon Children, who are often referred to as the “little ones”.   It is warned that if we do not “turn about”, and become as little children, we cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven (Mt 18:3; 19:14).  In Mark 10:24 Jesus refers to his disciples as children when he explains: “Children, how hard it is to enter the kingdom of God! It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God” (NIV).    The Gospel of Thomas saying 22 has the disciples asking Jesus: “Shall we then, as children, enter the kingdom?”   To which Jesus responded:“When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female…”.    Therefore, unless you understand and bring about the merger and marriage of opposites within you, it will remain impossible for you to bring about the next stage of birth that brings about the necessary Oneness with your higher soul-self — and ultimately with the Indwelling Logos and God.  


Jesus did not — and could not — speak openly to those who were portrayed as being “without [in the] outer darkness”.  Why?  Because, the “outer darkness” is this three-dimensional realm that can be thought of as a mental-womb intended to develop and bring about the next stage in the birth process — and therefore, it would have been impossible for them to comprehend anything beyond the most mundane of earthly perceptions of self and life.   In the same way that we were initially conceived within the womb of our physical mothers — where we were supplied all the nourishment necessary to evolve through the fetal stages and our birth into this world — when the  womb of our mother was no longer sufficient for our progress beyond the initial stages of development, we were then born into what can be portrayed as the next-level of womb where our development can continue.   Therefore, one of the conceptual-realities that Paul had great difficulty in conveying to the entry-level Christians, is the reality that this world is the womb of mother-earth — that each of us can be portrayed as a Cosmic Ovum Or Sperm — and that if we understand the Natural Laws of Creation and the purpose of this world, that our earthly-mother will supply all that we need to achieve the next stage of the four-fold process of birth — the final stage of which is allegorically portrayed in the Gospel accounts of the crucifixion.    Because we lack the necessary mental-development to comprehend this higher reality, it was therefore impossible for the biblical authors to write even the next level above elementary truths literally. 
When rightly understood it can be said that the religious world is presently drowning in intellectual and spiritual milk.   And with this fact in mind, what I am writing is not intended for milk-sucking babes in Christ who dismiss and reject becoming the “good ground” in the parable of the Sower and the Seed — of which the Gospel account of Jesus warns that if you fail to become  the “good ground” and understand the meaning of this parable, that you will not understand ANYTHING: “And he said unto them, Know ye not this parable? and how then will ye know all parables?” (Mark 4:13 KJV).   And to put this great biblical truth in the more modern language of the New Living Translation: “But if you can’t understand this story, how will you understand all the others I am going to tell?”  You can’t!   If you fail to understand the meaning of this parable, then you can never comprehend a single truth of any great importance.   Moreover, I confirm this well defined biblical statement with respect to all of man’s endeavors in his quest to know himself and his true role in the vision of Creation.   It makes no difference if you are a man of faith, science, or philosophy, unless you understand the meaning of this parable in relation to your own life, then you can never know anything of a genuine value and significance.   
Quoting from The Key Of Knowledge
If it is true that there are higher realities of being that are totally inconceivable to the mind of the undeveloped faith-based believer (see  Mysteries Of The Gospel) — and by virtue of their immaturity, the biblical authors were powerless to explain in detail many of the important Gospel teachings and concepts — then the spiritually mature author’s of the scriptures who do Know of these higher realities, remain virtually powerless to do anything more than to provide the people with a list of do’s and don’ts, so that the immature Christians will be in a position where they are then better able to evolve to a mature understanding and comprehension of the teachings of Jesus and TheWay.  To totally ignore these do’s and don’ts, without knowing the consequence of one’s choices and actions, is paramount to walking out onto a freeway blindfolded. 


I always found it truly amazing that students of the scriptures could read the words of Paul where he states that the mind of the Christians who he had himself taught, would reject the truths pertaining to the higher reality of the soul and the Mysteries of the Kingdom as utter “foolishness” — portraying himself as an “ambassador in bonds” who was unable to speak plainly — and yet the implications of these words when read by the majority of readers, remain ignored to their own detriment.   Further, from this perspective, the best that Paul could do for those who he portrayed as entry-level Christians who were “babes in Christ”, was to provide them a series of do’s and don’ts that would assist them in evolving through the stages of spiritual immaturity that made it impossible for them to comprehend the True Gospel Meaning and Objectives. 
It is Church dogma that Jesus nailed the Law to the cross — dogma that is simply not supported by the Gospels.   And in accord with this man-made dogma, not only are Christians exempt from observing the Royal Law of God — but they dwell under the delusion that they have completed all Gospel requirements by merely saying their Jesus-prayer — after which they believe they have acquired eternal salvation apart from their actions thereafter.   And this dogma they embrace, even though it is totally rejected in the New Testament as seen in TheLie.org “For it is impossible to restore again to repentance those who …then commit apostasy, since they crucify the Son of God on their own account and hold him up to contempt.. For if we sin deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful prospect of judgment, and a fury of fire which will consume the adversaries.” (Heb 6:4-6;10:26-27 RSV).   And for these apostates to the Gospel to even imagine that they can understand the true meaning of the scriptures, is the second greatest accomplishment of that Power of the Left Hand which they call Satan.   The greatest accomplishment being the seduction of those who don’t believe that the god of this world even exists.   

In the original biblical Greek the knowledge of man was portrayed differently than the Divine Manna of the Kingdom that could ONLY be imparted to man directly from the Logos — i.e., this Heavenly Spiritual Knowledge was called Gnosis.   Quoting from the Mystery Of The GospelThe early Christian Valentinius quoted Paul’s Epistle to the Ephesians when he made reference to Gnosis Kardias — or, the enlightened eyes of the heart.   “I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints” (Eph 1:18).   And that Paul wanted very much to speak about the Mystery of the Gospel to the Ephesians, but could not, is the reason he portrayed himself as an ambassador in bonds: “And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak” (see Eph 6:19-20).   And how did a seeker/disciple obtain these enlightened eyes of the heart?   Very briefly, by fulfilling the role of a virgin who awaits the Lord with the oil of purification — and by becoming the “good ground” that permits the necessary expansion of the facilities of mind to be brought about, which enables the seeker/disciple to be taught by the Indwelling Logos/Son of God/True Prophet.   And in the same way that in the parable of the ten virgins it was said to those who had failed to prepair themselves with the oil of purification that “Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you” — even though they believed and had called upon the Lord and was awaiting his coming, this reality of the believer who has failed to prepare himself is futher explored in the early Christian scripture known as the Shepherd of Hermas.  
In the introduction of the early Christian writing known as the Shepard of Hermas, it is written: “The Pastor of Hermas was one of the most popular books, if not the most popular book, in the Christian Church during the second, third, and fourth centuries… In ancient times two opinions prevailed in regard to the authorship. The most widely spread was, that the Pastor of Hermas was the production of the Hermas mentioned in the Epistle to the Romans. Origen states this opinion distinctly, and it is repeated by Eusebius and Jerome”.   If, then, it is true that the Pastor of Hermas was one of the most important scriptural authorities over the first four centuries, then we can use it in our endeavor to better understand the essence of early Christian thought.   What the Shepherd of Hermas has to say is very important to us today, because it represents the scriptural tradition that was taught directly to the faithful flock by the Apostles of Christ.  Thus, on the nature of scripture, in the Shepherd we find: “I am senseless, sir, say I, and do not understand these parables. For how she can crush out, and on the other hand save, I do not perceive. Listen, says he. Those who have never searched for the truth, nor investigated the nature of the Divinity, but have simply believed, when they devote themselves to and become mixed up with business, and wealth, and heathen friendships, and many other actions of this world, do not perceive the parables of Divinity; for their minds are darkened by these actions, and they are corrupted and become dried up. Even as beautiful vines, when they are neglected, are withered up by thorns and divers plants, so men who have believed, and have afterwards fallen away into many of those actions above mentioned, go astray in their minds, and lose all understanding in regard to righteousness; for if they hear of righteousness, their minds are occupied with their business, and they give no heed at all. Those, on the other hand, who have the fear of God, and search after Godhead and truth, and have their hearts turned to the Lord, quickly perceive and understand what is said to them, because they have the fear of the Lord in them. For where the Lord dwells, there is much understanding. Cleave, then, to the Lord, and you will understand and perceive all things”.
The message that is very clear from this early Christian writing is that it is impossible to mature spiritually, while attempting to divide oneself between the two worlds.   In our present day culture we are living proof as to the validity of the wisdom that is portrayed in this writing — i.e., one cannot perceive the true meaning of the parables and the inner significance of the historical narrative of the scriptures, while one devotes their lives to their “business, and wealth, and heathen friendships, and many other actions of this world” — which would include the whole array of addictions provided by all the many leisure’s and entertainments that captivate and control our every-day lives.   Further, do we truly do unto others as we would want others to do unto us — i.e., do we send our children (the souls who were placed in our care) off to government secularized schools to become imbued with the thinking, mindset and lifestyle of the heathen culture in which we presently live?   
In the Shepherd of Hermas a reference is made to a tower, of which it is written: “And the tower, I asked, what does it mean? This tower, he replied, is the Church. And these virgins, who are they? They are Holy Spirits, and men cannot otherwise be found in the kingdom of God unless these have put their clothing upon them: for if you receive the name only, and do not receive from them the clothing, they are of no advantage to you. For these virgins are the powers of the Son of God. If you bear His name but possess not His power, it will be in vain that you bear His name”.    In understanding what is written, it is most important for us to be aware of the continual message found in the words: “If you bear His name but possess not His power, it will be in vain that you bear His name”.   Thus, if you call yourselves Christian, but fail to purify and develop your mind and body from the defilements of this world — and do not possess the true Knowledge of the Spiritual Christ — and have not yourselves inherited the same higher powers of mind that the Son of God promised all his followers would possess — then “it will be in vain that you bear His name”.   And again, this is demonstrated in the words spoken to those who believed upon the coming of the Lord, and even called upon his name, but had failed to bring with them the oil of purification, where it was stated: “Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you”  
The problem that Paul is unsuccessfully attempting to convey to the reader is this: What was revealed to the True believers and disciples of Jesus and TheWay at the beginning of our Common Era, was truly the most Black Swan Event every to transpire.    Organic man — whether he is a believer or unbeliever — whether he is a scholar or an acclaimed intellectual genus by the standards of our culture — those who are limited to man’s organic senses and reasoning, are simply not prepared to even envision man’s own higher soul and spiritual reality.   And in view of the fact that Jesus himself made reference to bringing about subsequent stages of birth, the vast majority of mankind who have chosen to ignore these crucial words of Jesus, and have not brought about these subsequent stages of birth, can no more envision their own higher soul and spiritual reality, than a sperm or ovum can envision the life of a child beyond the limitations of the womb where the development of a fetus takes place.  
Unlike the flock of believers at Corinth to whom the Epistle is written, the modern Christian was not taught directly by Paul — and the very fact that the Christian world remains divided by an uncountable number of factions and manmade doctrines of belief based upon organic carnal reasoning, is proof of the deficiency of the modern dogma and doctrines that are promoted by the Churches.   In understanding man’s human and often complacent nature, Paul even went as far to say that anyone who promotes a faction — i.e., a doctrine of belief — is a sinner who has been turned out of TheWay (see No Sects).   Why?    Because the primary objective of the teachings of Jesus and TheWay was to bring about the necessary subsequent stages of birth and transformation of the disciple/seeker — a process of transformation that would enable them to Know All things, and find the Gospel being fulfilled within themselves in a manner that could not be understood by organic man.   Therefore, according to Paul, those who cling to manmade doctrines of belief, have already been turned out of TheWay.  
It is important to recognize that the believers at Corinth who Paul stated were too carnal to understand the higher reality of the soul and the Mysteries of the Kingdom, existed at a time when these Gospel teachings were still in a pure and undefiled state.   This was in a timeframe that could truly be classified as “BC” — i.e., Before Constantine and the Pagan Church of Rome that threw away and lost the spiritual essence of the teachings of TheWay.   Therefore it must be acknowledged that whatever the modern believer views as the Gospel requirements with respect to faith, saying the proper prayer accepting the Lord as their personal savior, or any other such requirement, no modern believer can even suggest that Paul did not know the Gospel requirements when he personally taught and baptized the Corinth flock of believers.   Yet, Paul then goes on and warns these believers of a yet untransformed “natural” mind who were committed and dedicated to Christ: “And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual men, but as to men of flesh, as to babes in Christ” (1 Cor 3:1 NAS).   Thus, these believers who were taught personally by Paul — in a time of greater spiritual purity, B.C. — could only be taught the doctrine of Jesus Christ and him crucified (1 Cor 2:2), because they were not yet spiritual men — but rather, they were men of flesh and still very much “babes in Christ”.   Paul then explains that: “I gave you milk to drink, not solid food; for you were not yet able to receive it. Indeed, even now you are not yet able” (1 Cor 3:2 NAS).  
What should be troubling to the modern believer is that Paul openly admits that the baptized and confirmed Christians at Corinth — people who had accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior and received the gifts of the laying on of hands and speaking in tongues — people who were not taught by preachers and priests, but the Apostle himself — were not yet able to understand and comprehend what Paul referred to as the Mysteries of the Gospel of God.    When it is recognized that Paul confessed that if he attempted to convey to this congregation of believers the true spiritual meaning of the allegorical scriptures, or the esoteric knowledge which is preparatory to comprehending what Paul portrays as the higher reality of the soul and the Mysteries of the Kingdom — that these same believers would condemn and reject these higher spiritual concepts as “foolishness” — then only a fool would claim that they know what is spiritually true and false by virtue of their study of the written words of the scriptures.
Speaking of the Disciples and what they experienced in order to learn and know the Truth that other men were blind to, Paul writes that they were caught up into Paradise and heard inexpressible words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter” (2 Cor 12:4-5 NKJ).   Why?   Every sincere Christian and intelligent reader of the Gospels must ask the questions: Why can’t the experience of being brought up into Paradise be expressed in words?   And perhaps even more important is the question as to why “…it is not lawful for a man to utter” what a Disciple who enters the Kingdom experiences?   Moreover, if this witness to the inconceivable higher realities of the Kingdom is true, then why can’t Christians gain access to the same spiritual experience of entering the Kingdom as Jesus’ disciples did?    When Jesus stated that those who walk in TheWay will find revealed to them the “Truth that sets them free”, he was not making reference to the “milk” fed to those Christians who Paul portrayed as “babes in Christ” — but rather, the mature disciples who had brought about the necessary transformation of their lower animal earthly nature, brought about the subsequent stages of birth, and emerging out of what Jesus portrayed as the“outer darkness” of mind and being, was able to begin to receive the revelation of Gnosis directly from the Logos of God — which is incomprehensible to the organic mind of man, even when they are committed and baptized believers who Paul states, had received the initial gifts of the spirit.   These are serious questions, that can only be addressed by very serious seekers who truly seek not only to Know the Lord, but to Know anything beyond the temporal mundane of this world which fades like the cycle of leaves falling off a tree before the winter.    
The most profound statement which is all but ignored by seekers today, is found in the Epistle of Peter And James where it is written: “Hear me, brethren and fellow-servants. If we should give the books to all indiscriminately, and they should be corrupted by any daring men, or be perverted by interpretations, as you have heard that some have already done, it will remain even for those who really seek the truth, always to wander in error.   Wherefore it is better that they should be with us, and that we should  communicate them with all the fore-mentioned care to those who wish to live piously, and to save others.”   Why would it be stated that, if the esoteric wisdom and knowledge of the teachings of Jesus and TheWay were to be lost, that it “…will remain even for those who really seek the truth, always to wander in error”???   And while many people think they know, in truth these words represent a reality that they have yet to come to terms with: “If any one imagines that he knows something, he does not yet know as he ought to know” (1 Cor 8:2 RSV).  
When Paul warns the baptized and committed Christians at Corinth that, because they were of an organic and “natural” mind, they were yet too carnal in their understanding to comprehend the spiritual meaning of the Gospel — which is often referred to as the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God — he conveyed to them the reality that they would judge and even condemn this higher reality of the Spirit as absolute “foolishness” — i.e., “But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned” (1 Cor 2:14 NKJ).    Thus, it is imperative to ask the question: What is the “natural man”?     The condition of mankind that Paul is making reference to, would just as well be portrayed as “organic” — or, of the physical body.   The “natural man” , is the “organic” human being.   And what Paul warns is that the mere act of turning to belief in Jesus does not in any manner enable the believer to understand the true Gospel Teachings that can only be grasped by those who have undergone the necessary spiritual transformation of mind and being of truly walking in TheWay.
It is said that human consciousness is like the tip of an iceberg — and in the same way that only a very small tip which is supported by an immense foundation of ice protrudes above the water where it can be seen — organic man who Paul portrays as of a natural mind, can only utilize a very small portion of his potential of mind.   Like an ovum that is released into a woman’s womb, without the proper and balanced fertilization, and the necessary environment that initiated growth and development, the mind of organic man remains earthbound in it’s thinking — simply because those higher areas of mind that are not necessary to the support of the physical body and the culture of this world, do not develop!    Because these areas of mind are rarely to ever  used, they not only fail to develop, but they remain mentally atrophied.    Therefore, it is not a question of how smart a person is from the perspective of man’s way of measuring intelligence.   But rather, it is a reality that if these higher areas of mind that do not correspond to the vibration of the earth are not properly stimulated and developed in the proper environment that initiates growth and maturation, then the very spheres of mind required to contemplate and understand anything beyond the physical and mundane, simply fail to develop.   And when Paul states that the wisdom of this world will come to naught (1 Cor 2:6-8), it is because of these organic limitations that inhibit all of mankind who are of a “natural mind”, from understanding anything beyond the forms of this physical world.   And as I will demonstrate in the below, even the most brilliant of secular intellectuals do not in any manner possess any real understanding of even the forms they see, as they look out into the world in which they presently dwell.    In fact, you could enroll in all the most esteemed colleges and universities that man has created — you could endlessly study the volumes of books composed and written by men considered wise throughout the ages — and your wisdom and knowledge would pale in comparison to the Disciples of Jesus and the earliest of Spiritual Christians who were sincere Disciples of TheWay.  
The average modern believer who reads these words would probably reply: If this is true, then the Disciples of Jesus were set apart from the rest of mankind, and we cannot expect to know what they knew.   Yet, nothing could be further from the truth! The flock of Christian believers have in fact been robbed of their inheritance — like the lost prodigal son — by embracing the consciousness of the earth over the spiritual — which Paul portrayed as the way of the god of this world — which Jesus portrayed as the Citizen of the Far Country.     That early Christians, other than the disciples themselves, also inherited the promise of the teachings of Jesus and TheWay, is demonstrated in the writings of the first century elder Ignatius, who personally knew both Paul and the other Disciples.   And in his Epistle to the Trallaus he speaks of the Mysteries of the Gospel and the Kingdom in the same exact manner that Paul does, and writes: “Might I not write to you things more full of mystery?  But I fear to do so, lest I should inflict injury on you who are babes.  Pardon me in this respect, lest, as not being able to receive their weighty import, ye should be strangled by them”.  The only way that Ignatius could have written these words, was if he, himself, understood what was beyond the comprehension of the organic mind of the believers of the simple faith.   And while he states that he understood what was incomprehensible to the organic mind of man, he also confesses that though he is aware of the mysteries, he is not yet “by any means perfect, nor am I such a disciple as Paul or Peter”.   
Thus, Paul writes to the congregation at Corinth — who being babes in Christ, only knew Jesus and him crucified — where he wrote: “We speak wisdom, however, among them that are fullgrown: yet a wisdom not of this world, nor of the rulers of this world, who are coming to nought” (1 Cor 2:6 ASV).   In other translations the word fullgrown, is translated either mature or perfect.   Yet, in not even understanding the primary objectives of the Gospel, modern believers study and learn the wisdom of this world and the opinions of men, failing to move on to maturity and learn directly from God — i.e., “It is written in the Prophets: ‘They will all be taught by God.’ Everyone who listens to the Father and learns from him comes to me” (John 6:45 NIV).   Not in belief, doctrine, or to a manmade church — but rather, the objective of the teachings of TheWay is to enter in at the inner “narrow gate”, and learn directly from God in the Kingdom.   And to accomplish this, it is necessary to disregard that which we see without our physical eyes and understanding, and seek and learn via our spiritual eyes that is able to perceive beyond the limits of this world — i.e., While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal” (2 Cor 4:18 KJV).
The folly of the Christian world is seen in the fact that they learn from the teachers of this world who proclaim that there is no unseen — and only what is seen with one’s physical eyes is valid.   Christians send their children to learn about what is temporal, while alienating themselves from what is eternal.   Christians flock to churches which are temporal and built with the hands of men, while rejecting the Temple of their soul which is Eternal and Sustaining.
With respect to the witness of Ignatius: What preacher of the Gospel today would stand before his congregation and state to the people in their pews, that if he was to reveal the true teachings of the New Covenant — the Mysteries of the Gospel of God — he would “inflict injury on you who are babes” in Christ?   What teaching of the Lord could a present-day preacher of the gospel reveal that the congregation of believers are not “able to receive their weighty import”?  If Ignatius or the other early Church Fathers who knew the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God were with us today, what profound mystery could they speak regarding the true teachings of Jesus that believers today would be “strangled by them” 
Throughout the history of mankind those who have openly claimed to possess the Secret Knowledge which is called Gnosis, were condemned as elitists and heretics.   Yet, what the rest of mankind totally fails to understand, is the fact that it is not that a more advanced spiritual soul wishes to conceal higher knowledge from others — but rather, in the same way that kindergarteners are not prepared to study and comprehend at a university level — neither are the organic minded earth-bound people of this world, prepared to understand the higher reality of the soul and the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God.   In the same way that the mind of the kindergartener must develop and mature, so too must the mind of man begin the process of expansion beyond organic limits that are supported by the physical body-vessel.    And this is exactly what Paul states when he writes: “However, we speak wisdom among those who are mature, yet not the wisdom of this age, nor of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing” (1 Cor 2:6 NKJ).   The King James Version reads that wisdom can only be revealed to those who are “perfect” — but what must be understood is that each soul can only perceive and comprehend in accordance with their own level of soul-evolution and spiritual development.    

Conversations About Race – Letter ...

There is an answer to the enigma of race, and the resolution to racial disharmony can only be brought about when the higher reason and purpose of race is understood within the context of the Divine Design of Creation.  Having recently listened to …


Racial Ignorance – Interracial Sou ...

While mankind is plagued by racial ignorance today as demonstrated in the recent Cheerios commercial which featured an interracial family (see Commercial – TheAdviseShow.com), the cause of this mass-racial ignorance can in fact be laid right on th…


Reply To: Christians, It’s Not A S ...

A member of the Nazirene Disciple Forum sent me the link to an article entitled Christians: It’s Not A Sin To Change Your Beliefs — which raises some interesting questions that are not addressed in the article.   The author attempts to ignore the paradoxes of Christian teachings by stating: Imagine if John Piper suddenly altered his views on Calvinism and became an Arminian, or if Mark Driscoll publicly became an egalitarian? They would be publicly rejected and humiliated, and their followers would be lost, angry, and confused.  But what if John Piper’s vision of the world is as valid as that of the opposite Arminian positions?   And what if the vision of Mark Driscoll is as valid as the Egalitarian perspective?   Moreover, what if there is an important reason why the Rev. John Piper perceives the teachings of the scriptures from a totally opposite perspective than that of the Arminian perspective?   And there is an important reason why the Rev. Mark Driscoll’s vision and perception of the scriptures is totally opposite to that which can be portrayed as the Egalitarian perspective?   Does it matter?  Moreover — and perhaps most important — is the fact that if each of these paradoxical opposites present a valid truth, then isn’t it imperative for the seeker/disciple to understand not only why these different and opposite perspectives exist — but also why whole groups of sincere believers are locked into each of these divided perspectives? (see The Enigma Of The Segmented Mind).  Moreover, does embracing one perspective over the opposite fulfill the objective of the scriptures?  
The author of the article, Stephen Mattson, seems to be suggesting that both the cause of these different perspectives, as well as what is revealed in the perspectives themselves, doesn’t seem to matter — and that Christians should just accept these differences at face value without explanation or statement of understanding.   In the typical liberal — non-thinking — ignorant of consequences — disconnect from all causal factors — devoid of all reasoning mindset — author Stephen Mattson promotes the typical non-contemplative — accept at face-value school of thought — or, perhaps better portrayed in the words, the liberal anti-thought mindset.   But, when rightly understood, even what can be portrayed as the liberal anti-thought mindset has a causal factor that inhibits them from even contemplating the result and consequences of their actions.        

In the opening of the article, author Stephen Mattson appears to focus on the issue of homosexuality and marriage equality — i.e., which seems to portray the issue of same-sex marriage.   Which, to a contemplative seeker, should provoke the question as to why the scriptures reject same-sex unions?   Was the biblical authors just a group of homophobes?  Or is there a deeper meaning and purpose in the Divine Marriage of man and woman?  Jesus taught that unless you bring about the next stage of birth, that you cannot enter into Life in the Kingdom — which should raise the question in the contemplative mind whether there is a higher purpose to sex that same-sex unions can’t fulfill?   What if — from a holographic perspective — the sexual interaction of man and woman and the process of birth is a pattern that must be embraced on a higher level of being in order to bring about Wholeness and achieve the next stage of birth which Jesus taught was one of the primary objectives of life in this world?   And what if, in the same way that a same-sex union can’t produce a physical offspring of the union, neither can a same-sex union bring about the necessary transformation that takes place in what can be portrayed as the Morphic Field where opposites merge into ONE (see Gender Blindness And The Process Of Birth).   
In the dynamics of the male/female union with the potential of opposites to merge in the creation of the necessary foundation of body, mind and spirit — where the divided pattern of Adam and Eve are re-merged into the pattern of Adam/Eve in “one flesh” — the potential to fulfill the requirement set forth in the Gospel of Thomas is presented in the words: Jesus said to them, “When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female”   Is it cruel to recognize the fact that if male and female are divided (paired opposite) natures of man’s higher soul reality — and that the foundation of achieving the next stage of birth that manifests the soul in the body-vessel is holographically parallel to the process of physical conception and birth — that in the same way that two men or two women can’t produce offspring, that this same dynamics of opposites is the foundation of the next stage of birth that Jesus taught was necessary to enter into Life (see The Holographic Pattern Of Sex)?   

Can we expect liberals such as Stephen Mattson who appears to embrace all things at face value, to have contemplated the esoteric reality of sex and birth?   Or even that there is an esoteric reality of sex and birth that is extremely relevant in what the modern emerging science has portrayed as a holographic reality?   If the vision of the mystic which has been confirmed by the modern physicist is true with respect to the holographic reality of this world as a pattern which has the potential to reveal a higher reality that transcends the organic limitations of man and woman, then can we just throw out the pattern and expect the Laws of Creation to be suspended with respect to the higher purpose of sex and gender opposites?    Would we declare all fertility clinics and experts homophobic and out of touch with reality, if they failed to counsel same-sex couples on producing an offspring of the same-sex union?   If two men made an appointment with a fertility clinic and complained that their sexual relationship has produced no offspring, what would the conclusion be?  On a secondary note, author Stephen Mattson also lists a change of religious beliefs with respect to the infanticide of abortion — wherein we can conclude that those people who will murder the unborn, also place no emphasis on producing the necessary third-force dynamic offspring of a Divine Marriage (see Index To The Divine Marriage) that initiates the next stage of birth?    

Stephen Mattson and the uber-liberal left would have us believe that the Laws of Nature as manifest in a holographic reality of mankind is irrelevant — and that by virtue of the Tinkerbell Effect, that wishful thinking can suspend man’s higher reality.   Which provokes the question which is of paramount importance to the contemplative inquiring mind: Can man’s higher reality be understood ONLY by those who recognize the conflicting opposites of the Forbidden Fruit of the Tree of Duality — and in the equation of the dynamic merger of opposites that must be nourished by the Fruit of the Tree of Life, can the understanding of man’s higher spiritual reality and being ONLY be realized by the seeker of Truth and Life in the Kingdom?    What is clear is that the biblical authors continually warned the entry-level faith-based Christians that the higher reality of the soul was impossible and inconceivable for man in his “natural” organic condition of mind to comprehend (see Mystery Of The Gospel) — warning the very congregation of believers that Paul himself indoctrinated into the Gospel, that if he was to speak to them plainly about the  True Spiritual Meaning Of The Gospel, that they would reject his witness as utter “foolishness”!

When author Stephen Mattson states that its OK for Christians to change their religious beliefs — and embrace the anti-thinking liberal mindset — what is clear is that Stephen Mattson does not at all understand the very purpose and nature of religion itself!!!   If we pose the question: What is a Spiritual Religion?   We would quickly find that one of the problems that modern man has in comprehending the validity of religion is seen in the fact that he cannot differentiate and understand the marked differences between philosophy as a theory that is ascribed to, quasi-religious-philosophy which is a faith-based belief system, and genuine religion which is a mindset and lifestyle necessary to prove one’s philosophy.    And from this perspective, the vast differences between faith-based religious-philosophy and genuine religion which was embraced by the core visionaries of the Age of Reason, opens the Pandora’s Box of the foundation of man’s thinking.   The whole concept of religion as a means to prove the Truth — in contradistinction to blind-faith and speculative belief — has virtually no place in modern man’s understanding.   In many instances, those who are looked upon as esteemed clergy and religious experts and scholars, are merely parroting the dogmatic opium of Roman Emperors who oversaw the corruption of the Bible (see BibleCorruption.com), and ruled over the doctrines of the Church (see Religion Of Roman Emperors).  Therefore, what we erroneously define as religion today, is in reality little more than speculative religious philosophy that is counterfeit from a genuine religious perspective — and this fact is simply inconceivable to the modern believer who is of the position that he is required to exercise blind acceptance as a test of his faith.   And perhaps even more important is the fact that many of the core visionaries of the Age of Enlightenment — men and women of evolved Intellect and Reason — some of whom were the very Deists and Masons who formed the foundational bedrock of the American Constitution — understood the counterfeit nature of the Church — because they had personal access to the Pure Source of Truth that should have been the purpose and objective of Christianity to act as guides in TheWay.

To understand the essence of a Spiritual Religion vs quasi-religious-philosophy, you must first understand why Jesus condemned and rejected the Jewish teachers and those portrayed as“…experts in religious law” as being spiritually counterfeit.   The allegation of Jesus’ words is seen in the fact that there exists what he called a Key of Knowledge — and when this Key of Knowledge is properly applied, then the person possesses the ability to enter the Inner Kingdom — the portal of which is within the seekers own mind and being.   And this fact is presented in the words that Jesus said to the Jewish authorities: “…For you hide the key to knowledge from the people. You don’t enter the Kingdom yourselves, and you prevent others from entering.”    Thus, the objective of a Spiritual Religion is to reveal and properly apply the Key of Knowledge in such a way, that the person gains access to the Kingdom — which Kingdom Jesus said was equally within each of us (see Luke 17:20-21 @ http://GateOfEden.com ).   And the fact that the carnal Jews who, in their very limited and carnal understanding of the scriptures, was teaching the people to look for the Kingdom of God to come outwardly upon the earth — in the same way that Christians today look for the Second Coming — it is seen that the leaders of both the Jews and the Christians had in fact hidden and thrown away the Key of Knowledge.   Failing to fulfill the requirement of entering the Inner Kingdom themselves — which by definition made them blind guides who “…prevent others from entering.”  And because the Church followed in the footsteps of the Pharisees, and itself threw away the Key of Knowledge under Roman rule, these same words apply to modern Christians as much as the Jews who Jesus rejected and condemned. 

The process of birth in the Kingdom which Jesus portrayed as entering into Life, is dependent upon the merger of the pattern of opposites as allegorically portrayed in the symbolism of Adam and Eve — the eating of the Fruit of the Tree of Life — the return to Spiritual Eden (see  http://GateOfEden.com ) through the application of what Jesus portrayed as the  Key of Knowledge to open the “narrow strait gate” within the seeker/disciples own mind and being.   And, in the words of Jesus: “But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and join to his wife; And they two shall be one flesh: so then they are no more two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no one separate” (Mark 10:6-9).   But it is not until we begin to understand that man and woman are dynamic halves of a single unit that has the potential to bring forth life — both on a physical, mental and spiritual level of being — that we can begin to understand the dynamic application of the scriptures within our own mind and being within the merger and union of opposites and the process of birth in the Kingdom that is the fulfillment of the Gospel Objectives.

A most important teaching on the coming of the Kingdom which was removed from the Gospels by the Church Of Roman Emperors, is preserved in the Second Epistle of Clement where Jesus teaches on the coming of the Kingdom in the words: “Let us expect, therefore, hour by hour, the kingdom of God in love and righteousness, since we know not the day of the appearing of God. For the Lord Himself, being asked by one when His kingdom would come, replied, ‘When two shall be one, that which is without as that which is within, and the male with the female, neither male nor female’”.    How can  “…the male with the female [be] neither male nor female’”?    The answer: When the two truly become “one flesh” within a the dynamics of a Spiritual Divine Marriage  (see Index To The Divine Marriage— which holographically has the potential to merge the husband/wife into a spiritual embryo in the pattern of the physical embryo that becomes a fetus.   Can such a husband and wife achieve the next stage of birth that is made reference to in the Gospel?   Only when they live the necessary Consecrated Life in TheWay — making their body and mind into the Final Temple — properly applying the Key of Knowledge to open the “narrow strait gate” by entering within the Holy of Holies within their own mind and being.

In Reply To: Sexual Violence And The Chu ...

Jim Wallis and Sojourners have begun a campaign to bring about an end to what they portray as the Sexual Violence And The Church — which violence they attribute to Masculine Christianity.   But what is the cause of violence — sexual and otherwise?   If violence is a spiritual and mental disease that plagues mankind, can man’s condition of violence be cured, without first understanding the cause of the disease?

While wisdom and spiritual knowledge can save the soul, when man’s religious leaders are blind and totally deficient in knowledge and understanding, such misguided well-meaning men will lead you into the abyss of even greater suffering and despair.   And when rightly understood, this same plight of mankind can be expressed in the wisdom that those who fail to learn the lessons of man’s past, are doomed to repeat them — over, and over, and over again.   Why?   Because in the original teachings of Jesus, an understanding of the Natural Laws was laid down with respect to the cycles of life — Natural Laws that controlled all events and occurrences in life — and it was recognized that the same souls are returned back to life to confront their own past Conditions Of Birth.   From the perspective of pop-culture, this can be portrayed in the words: What goes around, comes around — or, from life to life one’s own chickens come home to roost — which can be expressed in the biblical reality: “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows” (Gal 6:7 NIV).

The disciples asked Jesus about the man who was born blind — and whether his blindness was caused by his own previous sin prior to being born into his present life, or the sin of his parents (see Biblically Based Mindset).   In their ignorance of the Natural Laws, Sojourners takes the position that a man’s actions in the matter of sin, should not come back upon him.   When Jesus healed the man he warned:  “Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee” (John 5:14 KJV).  Which causes us to ask: What force of the Laws would bring a worse condition upon us, if we sin again after being healed?   If it is true that we create the conditions of our life by virtue of our own actions — and the conditions of our life is intended to be a corrective force of healing which invokes a change in behavior — then shouldn’t we learn about the relationship of sin as the causal factor in the conditions of the life that we are presently living? 

Jim Wallis and the people at Sojourners do not understand this fact of life.  In their profound ignorance of the Natural Laws, they assert that it is not right for a man or woman to reap what they have themselves sown — i.e., to inherit the fruit of their own ways.   And if we inquire as to why Jim Wallis and the people at Sojourners are ignorant of the Laws of God?   It is because the Church itself is founded upon what can best be portrayed as The Religion Of Roman Emperors.   Which is based upon a man-made dogmatic foundation that is totally adverse and in conflict with the original Biblically Based Mindset.   What this means is that the modern Church has totally nullified the original Gospel teachings by promulgating man-made doctrines which promote violence and spiritual disenfranchisement.    And what we observe in the world is the effects of the spiritual disease which has totally undermined the original teachings of Jesus and TheWay. 

In the article entitled The Ten Words, the wishful thinking of Sojourners is very much within the scope of what is called The Tinkerbell Effect.    Which is defined as something that “…you think or believe that something is true or will happen, strictly on the basis that you wish it were true or will happen.”  While Sojourners, and those who wish for world-peace and tranquility to come upon mankind, without a knowledge of the causal factors and the Natural Laws which control all events and encounters of man in this world, the wishful thinking of Sojourners is little more than just another example of blind faith in The Tinkerbell Effect.    And perhaps the key to bringing about change, is in the words of Mahatma Gandhi who correctly stated that change can only be brought about when those who desire change become “…the change they want to see in the world”!   Which means that if Jim Wallis and Sojourners truly want to see change in the world with respect to violence against not only women — but against all people — then Sojourners must begin by leading the believers along the path of returning to Gospel First Principles.   

The new campaign of Jim Wallis and Sojourners (faith in action for social justice), is to bring an end to Sexual Violence And The Church.   And while I totally agree with Sojourners position that all violence against all our brothers and sisters worldwide should cease, without understanding the cause of human violence — the naive good intentions of Sojourners will bring about the same results as the Just Say No campaign in the War On Drugs.   Without understanding the causal factors, not only can no progress be made, but often one’s efforts make the original problem even worse.    And if Jim Wallis and his people at Sojourners had even an ounce of insight into the causal factors of the systemic violence as being driven by the Natural Laws of Creation — and if Sojourners possessed a degree of spiritual knowledge with respect to the Original Gospel teachings of Jesus and TheWay — only then could Sojourners vision of man overcoming the forces of violence that immerses our culture and much of this world in abject moral depravity and indifference, could man even begin to overcome the malady of perpetual suffering and despair.    

When rightly understood, the only possible way to end man’s legacy of violence from the Sojourners perspective, would require the suspension and nullification of God’s Laws that were put into effect at the Alpha of Creation.    When rightly portrayed, Jim Wallis and the people at Sojourners want God to repent from the system of development that He brought forth and ordained.   And while this may sound rather bazaar to the people at Sojourners, what they fail to understand is the fact that there is an important reason for what man portrays as evil in the world — i.e., to put it in another way: Evil has a higher purpose.    But to even begin to understand the causal factors of evil and violence, the intelligent Christian would first have to abandon the dogmatic limitations of The Religion Of Roman Emperors, and begin to restore the essence of Truth within the foundations of the Church.   When rightly understood, what man sees as evil is the effect of a spiritual disease — a disease that has been perpetuated through the ignorance of the Natural Laws which control all events in this world.   And this state of abject spiritual ignorance that promotes what man calls evil, begins with man’s ignorance with respect to man’s own Conditions Of Birth!    Not until this world is understood as a Living Bio-Feedback Organism where each individual person is confronted with the actions of their own past — i.e.,  “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows” (Gal 6:7 NIV) — as expressed in the words of the early Church Father Origen where he stated that “Every soul… comes into this world strengthened by the victories or weakened by the defeats of its previous life” (Origen, De Principiis) — can mankind even begin to prevail over the evil and violence that has immersed him in times of great suffering throughout his long history upon the earth, without first understanding the purpose of evil?   

Each man and woman is in fact the lost prodigal son and daughter of Creator-God.   And when mankind ventured into this world that is portrayed as the Far Country, there were a series of Natural Laws which were put into effect that would not only bring about man’s return to the Edenic Kingdom of Origination (see GateOfEden.com), but these Laws were intended to drive fallen man to the required state of Wholeness and Perfection (see The Laws That Perfect Mankind) that would enable his Spiritual Restoration and Return to his Source of Being.   But these important teachings became suppressed and even outlawed, by The Religion Of Roman Emperors.   Which means that the wishful (Tinkerbell) thinking of Sojourners can’t become a reality in the life and existence of mankind, until the Church first returns to the Original teachings and spiritual objectives of the Gospel.   Quoting from The Fourth Fatal Mistake of the Church’s rejection of the Key Of Knowledge: 

When did the corruption of the scriptures begin?   There is strong evidence which confirms the charge that the Gospels were corrupted as soon as they were given into the hands of many of the Gentile Churches.   Something which no sincere believer today should take lightly is the charge against Christians by Celsus, the second century Epicurean philosopher, who alleged that: “Certain Christians, like men who are overcome by the fumes of wine and care not in the least what they say, alter the original text of the Gospels so that they admit of various and almost indefinite readings. And this, I suppose, they have done out of worldly policy, so that when we press an argument home, they might have the more scope for their pitiful evasions”.   Celsus concludes that because of the wholesale rewriting and corruption of the text of the scriptures, that this fraud has made all of Christianity a bogus lie: “It is clear to me that the writings of the Christians are a lie, and that your fables are not well-enough constructed to conceal this monstrous fiction: I have even heard that some of your interpreters, as if they had just come out of a tavern, are onto the inconsistencies and, pen in hand, alter the originals writings, three, four and several more times over in order to be able to deny the contradictions in the face of criticism.” (R.J.Hoffmann’s Celsus: On The True Doctrine, Oxford University Press, 1987).   


What teachings were removed from the Gospels?   From a spiritual perspective, the most important.    Moreover, when that segment of the Church which portrayed itself as Orthodox entered into a covenant with the Emperor Constantine, they used the most corrupted versions of the New Testament as a starting point, and then further corrupted the text in order to make it support the tenets of Pagan Rome.    But herein lies the problem: If the Gospels were corrupted — with many of the most important spiritual teachings edited or removed in order to make them support the tenets of Pagan Rome — then how can the modern Christian even begin to know the Truth?   The answer is found in the words:  “Then many of the Jewish leaders who heard him say these things began believing him to be the Messiah. Jesus said to them, ‘You are truly my disciples if you live as I tell you to, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free’” (John 8:30-32 TLB).    And if we augment this statement with the text of the that translation known as The Message, we can begin to understand the solution to the dilemma — i.e., “If you stick with this, living out what I tell you, you are my disciples for sure.  Then you will experience for yourselves the truth, and the truth will free you.”   The key message is in the words that the seeker must “live out what [Jesus taught] …then you will experience for yourselves the truth”.   And in this respect, the Law is that you can never possess any greater Truth than you are willing to live and manifest in your daily life.   So while it is true that the Gospel was corrupted in order to make it support the dogma of the Emperor Constantine and Pagan Rome, it is also true that with the restoral of the suppressed teachings and a desire on the part of Christians to “live out what [Jesus taught]” , there is the promise of the Gospel that “…you will experience for yourselves the truth”

With the corrupting of the biblical texts and the hunting down of the Spiritual Christians as heretics because they refused to adhere to the dogma of Pagan Rome, the 4th century Church of Constantine put to death the Spirit of the Church (see The Corruption Of The Church).   Yet, it’s Spiritual Castration which totally alienated all generations of future Christian believers from comprehending even what was left of a corrupted and spiritually sanitized New Testament (see Bible Corruption), was implemented in the 6th century.   As an example of how the Christian world was literally forced to adhere to the dogma of the emperors, when the doctrine of the pre-existent soul was outlawed by the Emperor Justinian, the Britannica confirms that the emperor then forced his will upon the Church when he “…banished the pope to Egypt , and afterwards to an island, until he accepted the Council, which he ultimately did” (see http://Ebionite.com/reincarnation.htm ).    After relenting to the will of the emperor, and finely accepting the decree of the emperor after seven months of imprisonment, it is reported that the pope met with an untimely death before he could even return to the Vatican.

 Peace can only be achieved when the Church is restored to its position as the Light of the World — and this can only be accomplished by a restoral of the Original Teachings and Core Gospel First Principles!          

Brother Of Yeshua/Jesus


Who Wrote The Bible And Why It Matters

In the recent Huffington Post Blog article entitled Who Wrote The Bible And Why It Matters, by prof. Bart D. Ehrman, what we have should more appropriately be portrayed as Prof. Ehrman’s Confession of Ignorance.   While I have attempted on a number of occasions to communicate with Bart Ehrman — to portray him as a  Distinguished Professor of Religious Studies, would be like portraying those people who make burgers at McDonald’s, as fine cuisine chefs — which is why I often portray the body of biblical scholars as pseudo-authorities.      Quoting from The Prodigal Son And The Theist/Deist Perception Of Creation:    

Deists such as Thomas Paine often portrayed the literal text of the scriptures as being untrue and not historically accurate.   And when we pose the question: What does the Bible state?   The Apostle Paul portrayed the scriptures as the “letter that killeth” (2 Cor 3:6) and “Jewish fables” (Tit 1:14) — stating that the written text of the scriptures was purely allegorical.   In the article  An Inconvenient Truth the fact is presented that the purpose of the scriptures was to preserve and conceal the esoteric knowledge within the garb of allegory to protect it from the unenlightened carnal believers and their pseudo-religious leaders (see An Inconvenient Truth).   The enlightened few have always pointed out the countless inconsistencies which were purposely inserted into the literal text of the scriptures which the critics portray as being so numerous and unbelievable to a rational minded person, that is was pointed out by the Church Father Origen when he portrayed the literal text as virtually worthless — i.e., “Scripture contains an unhistorical element in-woven with the history, in order that the worthlessness of the latter may drive us to seek the spiritual meaning” (Origen quoted under Origen Adamntius; The Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics).   Further explaining in De Principiis that: “Where the word found that things done according to the history could be adapted to these mystical senses, he made use of them concealing from the multitude the deeper meaning; but where in the narrative of the development of super-sensual things, there did not follow the performance of those certain events which were already indicated by the mystical meaning, the scripture interwove in the history the account of some event that did not take place, sometimes what could not have happened; sometimes what could but did not.”   And that the carnal mind of both the blind believer, as well as the skeptic critic, both attempt to ignore these important inconsistencies (see Inconsistencies Purposely Written Into Body Of Scriptural Text), and attempt to read the scriptures as an historical account, inhibits them from perceiving and understanding the great truths that lie concealed beneath the allegorical texts.   And in the proper application of the scriptures as the Key of Knowledge, the Church Father Origen writes: “But all the narrative portion, relating either to the marriages, or to the begetting of the children, or to battles of different kinds, or to any other histories whatever, what else can they be supposed to be, save the forms and figures of hidden and sacred things? As men, however, make little effort to exercise their intellect, or imagine that they possess knowledge before they really learn, the consequence is that they never begin to have knowledge”

What does this mean?   What it means is that “…all the narrative portion [of the scriptures], relating either to the marriages, or to the begetting of the children, or to battles of different kinds, or to any other histories whatever”, do not at all pertain to historical accounts of man’s more distant past — but rather, to the Forces and Laws that are presently working within man’s own mind and being.   Why?   How could Origen who was called the prince of Christian learning second only to the Apostles themselves, state that the historical interpretation of the scriptures is “worthless”?  And that what is presented in the written text as marriages, the begetting of children, and the many various wars and battles are not at all historical — but rather, an allegorical portrayal of the Forces and Laws working within one’s own mind and being?   The answer is this: A truly spiritual people have no need of an historical account in their search for Truth — but rather, their primary concern is to tap into the Inner Source of Knowledge which the disciples portrayed as the True Prophet.    And because man’s pseudo-authorities of this world remain virtually ignorant of the profound reality portrayed in Origen’s statement that “…As men, however, make little effort to exercise their intellect, or imagine that they possess knowledge before they really learn, the consequence is that they never begin to have knowledge” — indicating and confirming the reality that the Source of Knowledge already dwells within man — in his failing to understand the Cosmology of his own mind and being, the vast majority of pseudo-intellectuals merely alienate themselves from the True Source of Knowledge within themselves that remains a perpetual enigma.              

If Bart D. Ehrman were an expert, then he would understand the reasons why the written text of the scriptures are in many instances a complete fabrication — to the degree that the man known as second only to the Apostles, portrayed the written text as “worthless” — and the author’s of the epistles portrayed the written text as the “letter that killeth” (2 Cor 3:6) and “Jewish fables” (Tit 1:14).   And the fact that the pseudo-experts are even more clueless than those who they portray as the most rabid fundamentalists” as to the true meaning and purpose of the scriptures, is indicative of the reality that modern man is shackled in the abyss of self-ignorance (see SoulSelf.org) which the author of the Gospel of Thomas portrays as a condition of death brought about by the abject poverty of mind — i.e., “…But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty”.    Bart D. Ehrman is a professor in an esteemed university — and yet, he remains clueless as to the nature and reality of the body of knowledge which lies concealed within the allegorical text of scriptures which he is alleged to be an expert!!!   Yet, he is just as ignorant as to the true meaning of these scriptures, as those who he portrays as “…rabid fundamentalists.”  If Bart Ehrman had merely answered his email, I could have opened up a whole new world of understanding that would have totally amazed him.    Especially in view of the fact that modern Christianity is little more than The Religion Of Roman Emperors which was forcibly imposed upon the Church (see Religion Of Roman Emperors).   And that without understanding how to apply the Key Of Knowledge to the scriptures, it will remain impossible to perceive and understand not only the true meaning of the scriptures, but the meaning of Life Itself!!!  
Does it matter?  Does it matter if we know the true meaning of the scriptures?   The fact that what lies concealed beneath the text of the written word is the most important body of knowledge in the life of mankind — and that this body of knowledge remains unknown in our esteemed colleges and universities — and without this essential knowledge, no other wisdom and knowledge possesses any real value or significance — means that modern-man is merely squandering away his greatest opportunities of life on worthless dung of no real meaning!

China Copies Church & Roman Emperor ...

Tuesday, March 05, 2013 China Copies Church & Roman Emperor – Bans Reincarnation In the recent article entitled: China Bans Buddhist Monks In Tibet From Reincarnation, author Chris V. Thangham writes: …


The Church Of Roman Emperors vs Jesus &# ...

Are you a believer and follower of Jesus?  Or the Church and Religion of Roman Emperors?  As demonstrated in The First Fatal Mistake, the historical facts have proven beyond any doubt that the modern Church has absoutely nothing in common with the original teachings of Jesus.   And what is practiced today is very much The Religion Of Roman Emperors.    While there are sincere Christians who strive daily to serve the Lord.   They have been severely hindered by the dogmatic opium of Roman Emperors that has undermined the Gospel Message with the suppression of important teachings, and the corruption of the scriptures (see BibleCorruption.com ).   But this was foreseen by the Apostle Paul when he wrote that there would come a day in the near future where the Church which portrays itself as Christian will worship the AntiChrist in place of God (see The Church Of The AntiChrist).   As stated by John Wesley, Paul was portraying “…that fatal period when the Emperor Constantine called himself a Christian; From this time onward – the Christians had no more of the Spirit of Christ than the heathens….” (Wesley’s Works, vol 7, Sermon 89, pp. 26-27).
While many sincere Christians strive daily to live in accord to the teachings of Jesus, they are being undermined by Marxist neo-coms who have donned clergy robes in an attempt to inflict the final death-blow to the Church.   By converting the Gospel into a pagan sacrificial system of redemption where Jesus was converted into a dogmatic exemption and license to continue to live in sin, The Religion Of Roman Emperors has totally rejected the wisdom of the Apostle Paul who warned that in a genuine spiritual religion, sin is the fruit of abomination and apostasy.   Quoting the Blog article: Was Jesus God? What Jesus revealed to mankind was the means to prove the Truth by virtue of your own first-hand spiritual experiences of learning directly from God.   But this was changed and corrupted by a clergy who called themselves Orthodox, who used Jesus as a pagan ritual mojo to peddle a license to live in sin.  In the subheading entitled The Flawed Doctrine Of Perpetual Redemption in the article at http://TheLie.org, and the following subheading entitled Christian Apostasy, the ignored statement of Paul is explored where he writes: “For it is impossible to restore again to repentance those who …then commit apostasy, since they crucify the Son of God on their own account and hold him up to contempt.. For if we sin deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful prospect of judgment, and a fury of fire which will consume the adversaries.” (Heb 6:4-6;10:26-27 RSV). What this means is that the religion of Jesus in its original form was one of spiritual transformation — and those who willfully sin, crucify the Son of God afresh, and “…there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful prospect of judgment, and a fury of fire which will consume the adversaries.” These, and other such spiritual concepts, were totally unacceptable to the heathen Church of Rome, and the scriptures were corrupted in order to make them support the doctrines of the emperor. That the Church has abandoned the original teachings of Jesus, and have ignored the facts when it is demonstrated that the Church of Rome corrupted the very words of God spoken to man (see http://TheTenWords.com ), means that until the Church itself repents of this great sin against the Holy Spirit, they will remain under a cloud of ignorance in an exile state in a Spiritual Diaspora.   (see also Ann Coulter – The Fine Print)
What this means is that if you call upon the name of the Lord, and you then knowingly sin, you not only “…commit apostasy” and yourself “…crucify the Son of God on their own account and hold him up to contempt” — but, as an apostate to the New Covenant, “…there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins”. If we ask the question: Did Paul really mean that the sacrifice on the cross is canceled for those who knowingly sin after calling upon the name of the Lord? This is confirmed in the words of Paul when he wrote: What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Certainly not! How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it? …knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin… Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body, that you should obey it in its lusts. And do not present your members as instruments of unrighteousness to sin, but present yourselves to God as being alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God. For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace. What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? Certainly not! Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one’s slaves whom you obey, whether of sin leading to death, or of obedience leading to righteousness?” (Rom 6:1-16 NKJ).
In the recent articles Why Are There School Shootings? — and the subsequent allegorical interpretation in the School Shootings Update — I explore the results and ramifications of our modern cultural mindset and lifestyle where the question is posed: Who is teaching the children a lifestyle of ungodliness? Because the Christian world has basically abandoned the very First Principles of the Gospel teachings, parents not only hand their children over to Caesar to instruct in the way of death — but permits them to be programmed into ungodliness on the television and mass media, and openly engage in a lifestyle of spiritual abandonment. Thus, Paul also stated: “Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?” (2 Cor 6:14 NKJ) — to the degree that Paul commanded to be separate and do not even touch their unclean ways and lifestyle: “Therefore Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you. I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty” (2 Cor 6:17-18 NKJ). And this to the degree that Paul commanded not to even dine with unbelievers who live an ungodly lifestyle in harmony with the ways of this world as seen in the words: “But now I have written to you not to keep company with anyone named a brother, who is sexually immoral, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner– not even to eat with such a person” (1 Cor 5:11 NKJ). What this means is that you can’t be faithful to the Gospel of Jesus that was preached by Paul, and still send your children to government schools, or permit them to have open access to the television and music of the pop culture.
While today is a day of joyous song and praise of the Lord — and thus, as it is written: “Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you hypocrites; as it is written: These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. But in vain do they worship me, Teaching as their doctrines the precepts of men” (Mark 7:6-7).   That an every-growing number of pseudo-Christians continue to undermine the very spiritual foundation of the Church by promoting the “…doctrines [and] precepts of” The Religion Of Roman Emperors — supplemented today by counterfeit clergy who preach Marxism — i.e., “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits” (Matt 7:15-16 KJV).      

The Rev. Jim Wallis who is Barack Obama’s spiritual adviser (see Jim Wallis), has recently declared victory over Conservative Christianity — and in his publications he takes credit for converting college and university students to his Secular Progressive teachings of the left-wing Gospel.   Supported by George Soros who has been portrayed as the messiah of the atheists, the objective of the liberal and secular progressive churches is to further corrupt Christianity so that it has absolutely nothing in common with the original Gospel teachings.

It has been stated with respect to what is portrayed as The Epistles Of Christ to the Christian Church, that “…it is impossible, if the canons of the Church be followed, for these epistles ever to be read in the public services” (Archbishop Trench, Church of England quoted in Seiss’ The Apocalypse)  Why?   Because the vast majority of Christians have drank the kool-aid of the dogmatic opium of Roman Emperors — and it can be said that the vast majority have been subdued under the influence of Stockholm Syndrome.   Confirming the validity of the Apostle Peter’s long ignored warning that:  “If they have escaped the corruption of the world by knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and are again entangled in it and overcome, they are worse off at the end than they were at the beginning. It would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than to have known it and then to turn their backs on the sacred command that was passed on to them. Of them the proverbs are true: A dog returns to its vomit, and, A sow that is washed goes back to her wallowing in the mud” (2 Pet 2:20-22 NIV).   Where the modern Church promotes the doctrine that they are saved by Grace regardless of the manner in which they live their lives, Peter not only states that this doctrine is in grave error, but correctly states that: “It would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than to have known it and then to turn their backs on the sacred command that was passed on to them.”

Why?  “For it is impossible to restore again to repentance those who …then commit apostasy, since they crucify the Son of God on their own account and hold him up to contempt.. For if we sin deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful prospect of judgment, and a fury of fire which will consume the adversaries.” (Heb 6:4-6;10:26-27 RSV).  And this is why Jesus warned that the fate of the complacent and apostate believer, is in fact worse than the unbelieving sinner as seen in the warning:  “That servant who knows his master’s will and does not get ready or does not do what his master wants will be beaten with many blows. But the one who does not know and does things deserving punishment will be beaten with few blows. From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked” (Luke 12:47-48 NIV).  
Once having become intoxicated by the dogmatic opium of Roman Emperors, the vast majority of Christians to their own spiritual demise can no longer understand this important Gospel teaching and concept.   Why does seemingly Bad Things Happen To Good People?   Why is there evil in the world?   Why is there such inequality with respect to The Conditions Of One’s Birth – Life – And Death?

The Church Father Origen who was known as “the prince of Christian learning” in the third century, second only to the Apostles, writes that “…to every one according to his merits; nor will the happiness or unhappiness of each one’s birth, or whatever be the condition that falls to his lot, be deemed accidental (see Predestination).  Why?   Why is the conditions of one’s birth not be deemed an accident?   Because there are no accidents as the Atheist and Secular Humanist mindset promotes.    Origen then goes on and writes with respect to each person’s station in life “…that the cause of each one’s actions is a pre-existing one; and then every one, according to his deserts, is made by God either a vessel unto honor or dishonor. Therefore every individual vessel [person] has furnished to its Creator out of itself the causes and occasions of its being formed by Him to be either a vessel unto honor or one unto dishonor.”   And, as stated in the foregoing, each person’s birth into this life is determined by that person’s own past actions — i.e., “…either a vessel unto honor or one unto dishonor”.   Or, as stated by the Apostle Paul: “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows” (Gal 6:7 NIV).

What does this mean?   It confirms the statements in the recent articles Why Are There School Shootings? — and the subsequent allegorical interpretation in the School Shootings Update — that the school shootings were not an accident, and there was a pre-existent cause that was preordained as Conditions Of Birth.   And that for our political and religious leaders to be promoting gun control, instead of addressing the causal factors which has immersed our culture in the diabolical suspension of all morality and spiritual standards, is the abomination of our own ignorance as the kool-aid drinkers of  The Religion Of Roman Emperors. 


Update – Why Are There School Shoo ...

Let us first begin with a few facts in further support of the previous article Why Are There School Shootings?
The scriptures are correct and that all events not only have a pre-existing cause — but these events can be foreseen by those involved.   Why?   Because the souls of all of those involved knew that the school shooting of these children would take place in the manner that it did even before they entered this life.  But the facts are: (1) in the same way that the Jews were in denial with respect to the repayment of a karmic debt with Hitler — and they rejected the wisdom of their own Jewish mystic (see Conditions Of One’s Birth – Life – Death) — so too will the denial be on the lips of both the parents, and the ideological rants of those with an agenda; (2) even when the issues are properly set before the court, they refused to even hear it (see The Cross And The Seat Belt); (3) and even when it is demonstrated that both our linear-driven culture and the manner in which we educate our children directly inhibits the child/person not only from being able to foresee such events, but also to connect with their higher soul-self who both perceives the originating causal factor and the exact time and date that the event will transpire (see Intuitive Mind vs Linear-Rational); (4) and that even though it is easily proven that the whole foundation of our fossilize junk-science that we base our culture and manner of education on has long been proven to be in error — for mostly political/commercial reasons both our secular and sectarian leaders refuse to in any manner acknowledge the facts and the truth when it is presented to them.  

The scriptures are written in what can be called the allegorical Language of the Soul, because all of Nature is composed in this same Language.   And in the same way that you must apply the Key of Knowledge to begin to grasp the true meaning of the scriptures, you must in like manner begin to properly apply the Key of Knowledge to unlock the meaning of the outer world that has been rightly portrayed by Jesus as the “outer darkness” of mind and being (see Outer Darkness) — which is parallel to the analogy of Plato’s Cave.  Which is why the Gospel of Thomas declares (5) Jesus said, “Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you…” (Gospel of Thomas).  The scriptures are a text-book designed to teach you the principles of the Language of the Soul and the allegorical world in which you dwell, so that you will do as portrayed in the parable of the prodigal son and return to your Spiritual Source of Being.   The process worked for me when I lived as the Brother of the man Jesus (see BrotherOfJesus.org ) — it worked for me in a later life as a canonized saint — and it worked for me over the course of many other lifetimes — as it has worked for me in this present life when I was dispatched into this world to tell the people the Truth and guide them in TheWay.  But because the ideologues, the sectarian and secular authorities, and especially our educators, refuse to even consider the facts — but continue to cling to a mental and philosophical foundational paradigm of thinking that is in the process of bringing about our own self-destruction — i.e., in the words of William A. Tiller: “The present scientific establishment has grown somewhat fossilized by its current world picture and is locked into a view of reality that has outlived its usefulness. It has begun to limit mankind’s growth and has so increased its sense of specialization, separateness, materiality, and mechanical computer-like functioning that it is in real danger of self-extermination” (William A. Tiller, Materials Sciences Department, Stanford University – quoted at Whats Wrong With Wearing A Seatbelt?) — that if we don’t begin to re-evaluate the meaningless and self-destructive lives that we are presently living, that the conflict which took place in Sandy Hook school, will become commonplace as the very structure of our government and culture collapses from within.     
The below is my answer to a gun control question:
My interests in writing the articles Why Are There School Shootings? and The Law Of Octaves And The Second Amendment is not in any manner to promote gun rights — but rather, to understand the causal reality of the Natural Laws of this world which of course are personified in the words: The Laws Of Nature And Nature’s God.   But it is important to recognize that holographically, genuine science and religion have proven beyond all doubt that we are dwelling in a Cosmic Body that is imbued with the same Divine Pattern as our own body-mind — and that the ability to defend ourselves from attackers, parallels that of a healthy immune system of the body as explored in the article The Law Of Octaves And The Second Amendment.  It is not an accident that the worst crimes are committed in gun free zones — the example being that John Holmes who shot up the Colorado cinema, passed by three other cinemas that were not gun free zones (see Gun Free Zones – The Most Dangerous Places In America).  Moreover, at the present time the political leaders of the United States are in the process of importing Mexican and South American thugs and cartels into the country — and these gangs are literally taking control of large sections of our country which rightly can be declared to be third-world nations within our borders.    There are places in this country — i.e., Los Angles, Chicago, Detroit, and many large cities under Secular Progressive control — where the government is the local street gang cartel that rules the culture.   And the very guns which the Secular Progressive ideologues want to prohibit, would in fact be the first line of defense when the family is forced to defend itself from the cartels that are taking over whole segments of our cities.  Not to understand the causal factors of the events in this life, is to blindly walk out onto a freeway at night with dark clothing on.   Not to understand the causal factor, is to play Russian Roulette with a fully loaded revolver.   And in this respect the predominant causal factor is made up of a number (twelve-fold) sub-causes that would have to be realized as both independent and contributing to the whole.   

In the same way that the Jews had to repay a karmic debt at the hands of Hitler (see Conditions Of One’s Birth – Life – Death), no doubt some of the parents of these children are themselves inheriting the negative karma incurred in the previous lives that their soul has lived i.e., “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows”(Gal 6:7 NIV).   But the Laws then take these lesser causal factors, and roll them out into a Causal Factor of a Higher Order, which has the effect of satisfying the Laws in a multifaceted manner.   While we can’t even begin to address the lesser causal factors that brought all these children and families together in this larger episode, we can examine the larger causal factor which is of the primary concern to the American People.   The bottom line is that (1) the children’s lives were not safe in the school environment; (2) the children’s lives were snuffed out by a stranger who was mentally impaired and even deranged; (3) and while the school administrators and teachers believed they were acting in the best interests of the children, their actions failed to protect the children from the reality that consumed the very life of innocence that was violently snuffed out.   

As stated in the Gospels, all events in this world have a pre-existent cause.   And while most Christians are in denial of the scriptures which state that God ordains both the good and the evil — the evil being a corrective action brought about by the people themselves — the Christian’s condition of profound ignorance is the direct result of the elimination of important teachings which were removed from the Gospel text (see BibleCorruption.com).   And when important teachings were outlawed by a series of Roman Emperors (see Religion Of Roman Emperors), the effect was the Spiritual Castration of the Church (see Spiritual Castration).   

In this instance the events that transpired at Sandy Hook school not only satisfied the (pre-existent) causal factors of each of the individuals involved — but the events initiate a series of new objectives that spawns a twelve-fold sub-factors that must be confronted in the future.   While those people who see only one face in the twelve-fold crystal, and attempt to focus only on one of the faces (see The Enigma Of The Twelve – The Laws – And The Tree Of Life ), what the parable of the twelve-faced crystal that Jesus taught also presents the reality that, in order to raise up one’s consciousness and be able to perceive the One Light that is the Source, you must have the vision to perceive the allegorical enigma of what is being presented.    In view of the fact that our higher soul-self (see SoulSelf.org) perceives all events and realities of this world from the Primary Causal Factor — while acknowledging the secondary twelve-fold factors that provide the environment for the Primary Factor to Manifest — it is important for seekers to begin to open their perception and thinking to the reality of the Primary Cause — while acknowledging the existence of the lesser causes.   

While from man’s organic perception the public schools may seem to be a good idea that addresses the need to overcome ignorance and illiteracy, it remains true that on a larger scale the public school agenda, curriculum and environment is not only inflicting grave harm on the child that would include death from a higher soul-perspective — but in its alienation of the child from its true self, it is a valid statement that the child has been cast into the hands of the Master Abortionist.    Jesus taught that unless you bring about the next stage of birth that you in no manner can enter into Life — and both the public schools, our self-serving hedonist culture, in conjunction with our spiritually castrated churches, all inhibit the birth process from being brought about.  Why?  As stated in the Enigma Of The Segmented Mind, only a fractional segment of both self and higher reality can manifest in the physical which is limited to three-dimensions.   Which means that all we can perceive with our physical senses, is an allegorical manifestation that is representative of symbols impressed into this world which, when properly understood, provides us insight into the Greater Causal Factor that is impossible to manifest within the limits of these three dimensions.   But we do have the symbolism of the derangement of the mind that is snuffing out and killing the young children in an environment where those in charge have left them unprotected.   What is the cause of the derangement?   This must be seen as a separation and even alienation from higher reality — which in this case is the alienation of the child from its true self on the alter of Secular Progressive ideology and philosophy that is barring the life-giving teachings of TheWay from being taught — placing an insurmountable obstacle between the child and the One Teacher that can enlighten them to all Truth (see The True Prophet).    Resulting in a life of mental impairment and spiritual disenfranchisement — which in effect, squanders away the very Life of the Child.   And while we can observe the ideologues in a contrived rage in their attempt to promote gun control and the further deterioration of God-Given Rights — attempting to insure that the crisis has not gone to waste — but is to be used to advance the very evil agenda which they impose upon the people — they are in effect self-condemned.   The question is whether the people and their religious leaders they look to will further surrender to the sacrifice of their children and God-Given Rights on the alter of Secular Progressive Ideology?

The above is of course the interpretation of the Mystic who has lived the necessary life and lifetimes to peer into the higher reality where the complete picture is presented.