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Reply: Mr. President, Learn From Ceausescu – The Folly Of Marxist Social Justice

Greetings Barry Farber:
Re: Reply to your below commentary entitled  Mr. President, Learn From Ceausescu
While you have no doubt heard the saying: Out Of The Mouth Of Babes -- what you probably fail to understand is the fact that with the election of Barack Obama, the Christian world has literally opened the proverbial Pandora's Box and unleashed their greatest test of the validity of their faith.  
From the perspective of the statement that those who fail to learn the lessons of history are bound to repeat them, if the Church would only return to their original core roots, they would recognize that Obama is much more than a Marxist in sheep's attire -- Obama is very much the return of their greatest nightmare out of their own past.   The problem is that because the Church itself promotes the dogma of the political leaders of its past -- dogma that is very much in direct contradiction to the original teachings of Jesus and the core Gospel principles -- they are once again being confronted by the ghosts of their past failures.   And while they should be the Light of the world, they have themselves continued to obscure and even extinguish that Light that the world at present so desperately needs to guide them.
Another relevant saying is that the proof is in the pudding.   It is easily proven that the original Gospel message was based upon the reality of the journey of the soul over the course of many lives in order for the prodigal sons and daughters to achieve the necessary Wholeness and Perfection to return to the Edenic Kingdom of Origination ( http://GateOfEden.com ).   And that this important foundational teaching was outlawed and removed by the Roman Emperors who totally controlled the Church, is demonstrated in the article The Ten Reasons Why The Church Rejects The Doctrine On The Pre-Existent Soul.   But the fact that the Church has chosen to hide from the truth, even when it directly confronts them, has merely caused the ghosts of their past to return back upon them -- and in ways that they could never even begin to grasp because of their present self-imposed doctrinal limitations.   
When rightly understood, it isn't so much that history repeats itself -- but rather, the same souls from the past are restored to the world's stage to once again confront not only their own past, but also what they have left undone.   And as you can see, this is exactly what the pre-Nicene Church taught (see The Laws That Perfect Mankind @ http://DivineStrategery.com#TheLaws ).   But once these important foundational teachings became outlawed, and the Bible was corrupted in order to make it support the dogma of Pagan Rome (see http://BibleCorruption.com ), the Church was cast into a Spiritual Diaspora that has shackled it under a cloud of ignorance and unknowing.    And if the leaders in the Church were not the ladder-day blind guides that Jesus warned of, then they would recognize that not only was Barack Obama one of the Mohammed impersonators that totally corrupted Islam (see A Question Of Nuclear Holocaust?), but that both his Marxism and corruption of the Gospel message is merely his own past repeating itself in the present.   But more important is the fact that the very people who suffered horrific deaths at the hand of Obama in his more distant past, are also on the world's stage in a position where massive death and destruction can be inflicted upon a great many people.  And in the same way that Rabbi Ovadia Yosefan portraye the Jews who died in the holocaust as "...reincarnations of the souls of sinners, people who transgressed and did all sorts of things that should not be done.”   (see The Chickens Come Home To Roost), what is coming together on the world's stage at present has the potential to greatly exceed the death and destruction of man's past.   
Can the coming confrontation be diminished?   Only if the Church returns to its original core teachings and spiritual objectives -- and only if the American People cling to the original essence of the Constitution.   Can this restoral and rebirth be brought about?   Yes.   But it is going to require a reeducation and restoral of the original truths that were inaugurated by dedicated men and women who confronted ignorance and evil with the Light of Divine Reason.    
While I prove everything that I am stating in the above links, the Christian world is so shackled to their dogmatic mindset, that it has been impossible to awaken them to the impending reality that could become their worst nightmare.   To the True Believer whose mind has been shackled by dogmatic chains, facts and truth are meaningless.   As an example: While the original Ebionite Nazirene disciples of Jesus did not at all believe that he was God -- but rather, a true holy man who so fulfilled the Law of God within himself, that he became the Anointed (Messiah/Christ) -- the fact that this position can easily be proven (see http://TheTenWords.com ), has not in any manner inhibited the Church from ignoring and continuing the condemnation of the Ebionite Nazirenes as heretics.   If those who physically walked with the historical Jesus -- and were taught directly by him -- spiritual souls who had been raised up as witnesses to the Truth and TheWay -- have been condemned as heretics, then what affinity does the modern Church have in common with the original Gospel message?   But if this was not enough, it is easily demonstrated that the very doctrines that are presently the mainstay of the Church, are openly condemned and rejected in the New Testament (see The Ten Minute Test @ http://TheLie.org#TenMinutes ).   And it is the corruption of the Gospels and the adoption of pagan dogma that is promoted today, that causes such factions among those who call themselves Christians in our modern world of vastly differing doctrines of belief -- factions that have totally undermined the very foundation of the Church.  
The Cause Of Poverty: When the Secular Progressives observed that they were being defeated by what they portrayed as the Religious Right, they recognized the need to promote their own Marxist based Churches.  This opened the door for Marxist's in sheep's attire such as Obama's spiritual advisor, the Rev. Jim Wallis (see Has This Man Sold Your Soul To The Devil).   And if there was ever any question as to the counterfeit doctrines which are based upon government social programs promoted by the un-religious left, the above noted Ten Minute Test totally dispels the folly that is being promoted in the name of Jesus by Jim Wallis and his cohorts.   Interesting enough, the left's perpetual solution of an ever expanding government in their war on poverty, is proven to be a spiritual fraud in the study entitled Marriage: America's Greatest Weapon Against Child Poverty.   Which demonstrates beyond any doubt, that it is the left's abandonment of core biblical principles of marriage and family -- along with the adoption of a Sodom and Gommorah lifestyle that has no definable moral and spiritual standards -- that is the very cause of the poverty that they are promoting a twisted Marxist-Jesus as the solution to the conditions that they have themselves invoked upon the people.   And the fact that they have peddled this counterfeit doctrine to gullible students at every age level of education in order to indoctrinate them into the very cause of the hardships of the poor and disenfranchised, is representative of the folly of the whole Church which continues to preach the dogmatic fraud imposed upon the Christian religion by politicians such as Barack Obama in the past.  
It is our culture's rejection of The Ten Commandments and the core teachings of Jesus that has immersed the people in poverty -- i.e., cause and effect -- and the apostates to the Gospel teachings such as Jim Wallis, who continues to promote the cause of poverty as the solution.    As demonstrated in the above study ( Marriage: America's Greatest Weapon Against Child Poverty ), if Jim Wallis and the Secular Progressives would actually embrace and promote the Gospel lifestyle, then there would be no need for all their government social programs that totally ignores the Commandment not to crave what belongs to one's neighbor, and promote a government that robs one person to give to those who reject God's Institution of Marriage and a moral mindset and lifestyle.      
An enlightened disciple who has faithfully embraced the core teachings of Jesus and the original Gospel Message that was outlawed by Pagan Rome, will understand that it isn't so much that history repeats itself -- but rather, the very souls that often wrecked havoc in the past, are returned to the world's stage to confront themselves.    And in our present time with the expanded world population, all the despots of the past are here in the present.    Walter Williams in a commentary entitled America's Move Towards Tyranny very factually wrote: Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis warned, "The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in the insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well meaning but without understanding." The freedom of individuals from compulsion or coercion never was, and is not now, the normal state of human affairs. The normal state for the ordinary person is tyranny, arbitrary control and abuse mainly by their own government. While imperfect in its execution, the Founders of our nation sought to make an exception to this ugly part of mankind's history. Unfortunately, at the urging of the American people, we are unwittingly in the process of returning to mankind's normal state of affairs.    And as the Secular Progressives continue to undermine the very fabric of America's Constitution and the foundation of God-Given UnAlienable Rights, it is both the Church and the American People that should be confronting Obama with the error of the Marxism which has wrecked havoc the world over wherever it has arisen.     Yet, in not understanding how the past returns to the world stage in confrontation with itself, both the Church and the American People are permitting themselves to be seduced by a modern rendition of the proverbial Simon Magus (see Obama - The Church's New Simon Magus?).   And because both the Christians and the American People remain ignorant of the important core teachings of Jesus that were suppressed and outlawed, they fail to understand that in the present conflict if they lose the battle, that they will inherit the fruit of their own failures.  
Brother Of Yeshua


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