Fox & Friends Interview), in his statement that: "Mormonism was invented 1800 years after Jesus Christ and the founding of Christianity, and it has its own founder, Joseph Smith, its own set of doctrines and its own book, the Book of Mormon. And that, by definition, is a theological cult, that's all I'm saying."  In an interview on CNN (see CNN), the Rev. Jeffress explained: "When somebody asks me a theological question about Mormonism, I have a responsibility to tell the truth," he said. "Mormonism has never been considered a part of evangelical historic Christianity."   And when these words of the Rev. Jeffress are properly understood, what we have is an older Theological Cult throwing stones as a newer Theological Cult -- and the chickens coming home to roost on the reality that, those who live in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones. 
With respect to the statement: "When somebody asks me a theological question ...I have a responsibility to tell the truth" -- not only is the mainstream of Christianity founded upon a "...set of doctrines" that is a total departure from the original teachings of Jesus and TheWay -- but when it is recognized that the 4th century Church edited and rewrote the scriptures to the degree that the Roman Christian Cult has "...its own book", that is vastly different than the original scriptures that were in use prior to the 4th century -- and while this fact can easily be proven, then it must be concluded that Pastor Jeffress and the whole of the Christian world remains in denial of the facts!!!   Yet, like the pot that calls the kettle black, they deceptively throw stones as Mormonism which is the religion of Mitt Romney.

Prior to the Nicene take over of the Church by the Pagan Emperor Constantine in the 4th century, the wisest and most intelligent of enlightened men and women were the Christians who possessed the Spiritual Knowledge that provided them a higher understanding of the Laws and the realities of this world that continues to remain virtually unknown even in modern times.   And, what is not at all realized, is the fact that the Core of the Spiritual Christians possessed far greater knowledge than any of the pseudo-scholars who teach in our universities today.   What happened?   There was a segment of the Church that had become paganized and morally bankrupt (see The Example Of Paul Of Samosata ), and these very pagan Christians entered into a covenant with the Emperor Constantine, and the Church became proscribed by pagan Rome.   The result was that (1) the emperor who ruled over the Church, dictated the acceptable doctrines of belief; (2) the Spiritual Christians were denounced and condemned as heretics who were hunted down and murdered; (3) the most corrupted copies of the scriptures (see Bible Corruption) were further rewritten in order to make them support the dogma of pagan Rome; (4) and the higher spiritual knowledge that the Church previously possessed, became outlawed as heresy.   Contrary to the modern Bible, the original scriptures supported the original position that Jesus was a man who lived a holy and consecrated life -- and thus, became the Anointed (Messiah/Christ) at his baptism in the Jordan (see The Ten Words).   That the scriptures are themselves an allegory that both preserve and conceal the inner core of teachings that is necessary to gain entrance to the Kingdom Within (see An Inconvenient Truth), is a reality of fact that the modern Church remains in denial of today.    And if the modern Christian is ignorant, then this ignorance is directly attributable to government intervention into the core doctrines of belief which continues to be embraced right into the present time.   Thus, when modern Atheists such as Richard Dawkins portrays the Christian as ignorant, what he is unknowingly condemning is the government doctrines that were imposed upon the Church.   Men such as  Richard Dawkins are not only absolutely clueless as to the nature and reality of the Truth of the pre-Nicene Christian Church, but their Paradigm of Thinking has totally alienated them from man's true higher reality.   

Under the heading of American Spirituality it is demonstrated that our Constitutional Framers who understood what is portrayed as the Laws of Nature and Nature's God (see American Spirituality), where themselves enlightened as to the wholesale corruption which the Church suffered under the control of Pagan Rome.    And thus, their First Amendment prohibition against the government enacting any law that infringes upon the practice of religion, is the result of the spiritual disenfranchisement of the mainstream of the Christianity by the previous governments which exhibited total and complete control over the dogmatic doctrines of the Church -- dogmatic manmade doctrines which are still embraced even today.    More than anything else our Constitutional framers understood human nature -- and that once unleashed, the reigns of government will corrupt and attempt to exercise Absolute Power in direct defiance even to its Constitutional Charter and Mandates -- and this fact is demonstrated conclusively in the issue of the claim of a religious exemption from the seat belt law (see Is North Carolina Constitutionally Immoral?).   And in the same way that the North Carolina Alamance County Court has disallowed the true spiritual practice of religion -- even discarding the very primary tenets of the Constitution (see Court Ruling) -- it is important to be cognizant of the fact that when Christianity became proscribed under Pagan Rome which exercised absolute control over the doctrines of the Church, there was no judicial appeal or higher authority -- and to disagree with the dictates of the emperor, was a sentence of death.          

The Spiritual Core of Christianity remains virtually unknown today, because of direct government intrusion into the affairs of the Church with respect to acceptable doctrines of belief.   In the same way that in China only those Churches which are approved by the government are permitted, so too was the Church that came into being in the fourth century under the direct control of the Roman Emperors.   That the segment of the Church which called itself Orthodox, was a mere puppet of Pagan Rome and had little to nothing in common with the original teachings and objectives of Jesus and TheWay, should come as no surprise to the modern believer in view of the many statements of biblical scholars such as A. Powell Davies who attempted to warn the Christian world that discoveries such as the Dead Sea Scrolls had confirmed what they had suspected and believed all along -- i.e., that the Emperor Constantine and the Pagan Church of Rome created a religion of blind faith and belief where he wrote that: “Biblical scholars were not disturbed by what they found in the Dead Sea Scrolls because they had known all along that the origin of Christianity was not what was commonly supposed to have been” (quoted by Millar Burrows in More Light on the Dead Sea Scrolls).   Thus, this long ignored statement prompts us to ask: Why didn't the biblical scholars understand the true origin of Christianity prior to the discovery and examination of the Dead Sea Scrolls?   To answer this question we must consult the findings of Prof. Elaine Pagles who correctly writes: “It is the winners who write history - their way. No wonder, then, that the viewpoint of the successful majority has dominated all traditional accounts of the origin of Christianity… It suggests that these religious debates - questions of the nature of God, or of Christ - simultaneously bear social and political implications that are crucial to the development of Christianity as an institutional religion. In simplest terms, ideas which bear implications contrary to that development come to be labeled as heresy; ideas which implicitly support it become orthodox” (see Pagles, The Gnostic Gospels).    In not learning the lessons of history, modern believers have overlooked the fact that when despots rule, they not only annihilate all opposition -- but they "...write history - their way" -- and they corrupt and burn whatever writings stand in opposition to their supremacy and rule.   Which means that those doctrines of belief that are today seen as orthodox and promoted by the modern-day Church as being authentic, are themselves drawn from the side of "...political implications that [were] crucial to the development of Christianity as an institutional religion" under the direct control of Pagan Rome.   In the case of the Christian Church beginning in the fourth century, to disagree with the doctrines affirmed by the Emperor Constantine, carried with it the sentence of death.   Thus, Edward Gibbon writes in the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: ”Constantine easily believed that the heretics, who presumed to dispute his opinions or to oppose his commands, were guilty of the most absurd and criminal obstinacy... Not a moment was lost in excluding the ministers and teachers of the separated congregations from any share of the rewards and immunities which the emperor had so liberally bestowed on the orthodox clergy. But as the sectaries might still exist under the cloud of royal disgrace, the conquest of the East was immediately followed by an edict which announced their total destruction”.    Thus, in the same way that whoever did not embrace the religion of the emperor met with the sentence of death, whatever scriptures did not conform to the approved version, was immediately destroyed (see ).  

The term BC with respect to the beginning of our Common Era, should be reevaluated to indicate Before Constantine with respect to the birth of the Christ that is worshiped in the modern Church and promoted by its secularized (Orthodox) dogma.   That the modern-day Christ and the religion of the Church were conceived and born under the dominion of the Roman Emperor Constantine -- and that the dogma of the Church was purely political, in contradistinction to the spiritual foundation of the original teachings -- is demonstrated in the fact that modern Christianity has very little in common with the original objectives of the teachings of TheWay which was to bring about "...the heightening and enlargement of human consciousness”  (see Expansion Of Mind) -- which has absolutely nothing in common with the blind faith dogmatized Church that came into being in the fourth century under the rulership and doctrinal control of Pagan Rome.   But the fact that the modern Christians worship the satanic god of Constantine should come as no surprise, in view of the fact that the Apostle Paul predicted that the worship of the true God would cease, and those who called themselves Christian would instead worship Satan (see The Church of the AntiChrist).   That the objective of what Paul portrays as the god of this world, is to keep the congregation of Christians ignorant and promoters of blind-faith in the spurious doctrines of Pagan Rome, has for the most part continued to inhibit the True Spiritual ReBirth of the Church.   And while pseudo-priests such as Martin Luther convinced the Church to embrace the dogma of faith apart from actions -- to the degree that every tenet of the modern Church is openly condemned in their own New Testament (see The Lie & The Ten Minute Test), the modern believer continues to ignore the scriptures in their allegiance to the dogma of Pagan Rome.   And, just as equally important to understand, is that "...the heightening and enlargement of human consciousness”  has absolutely nothing to do with the expansion of the physical brain -- but rather, both the refinement of the physical body that permits this expansion of mind to be brought about, and the development of those areas which lie under the control of the innate Intuitive Spheres of the Mind that the physical brain does not naturally support.
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Is Mormmonism A Cult? Or Is One Cult Condemning Another Cult?

Government Intervention In Religion: The Cross And The Seatbelt
Pastor Robert Jeffress who spoke out in favor of Gov. Rick Perry and opposed Mitt Romney on the grounds that Mormonism is a cult, pointed out the difference between what he portrayed as a sociological cult, from a theological cult see Fox & Friends Interview), in his statement that: "Mormonism was invented 1800 years after Jesus Christ and the founding of Christianity, and it has its own founder, Joseph Smith, its own set of doctrines and its own book, the Book of Mormon. And that, by definition, is a theological cult, that's all I'm saying."  In an interview on CNN (see CNN), the Rev. Jeffress explained: "When somebody asks me a theological question about Mormonism, I have a responsibility to tell the truth," he said. "Mormonism has never been considered a part of evangelical historic Christianity."   And when these words of the Rev. Jeffress are properly understood, what we have is an older Theological Cult throwing stones as a newer Theological Cult -- and the chickens coming home to roost on the reality that, those who live in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones. 

With respect to the statement: "When somebody asks me a theological question ...I have a responsibility to tell the truth" -- not only is the mainstream of Christianity founded upon a "...set of doctrines" that is a total departure from the original teachings of Jesus and TheWay -- but when it is recognized that the 4th century Church edited and rewrote the scriptures to the degree that the Roman Christian Cult has "...its own book", that is vastly different than the original scriptures that were in use prior to the 4th century -- and while this fact can easily be proven, then it must be concluded that Pastor Jeffress and the whole of the Christian world remains in denial of the facts!!!   Yet, like the pot that calls the kettle black, they deceptively throw stones as Mormonism which is the religion of Mitt Romney.

Prior to the Nicene take over of the Church by the Pagan Emperor Constantine in the 4th century, the wisest and most intelligent of enlightened men and women were the Christians who possessed the Spiritual Knowledge that provided them a higher understanding of the Laws and the realities of this world that continues to remain virtually unknown even in modern times.   And, what is not at all realized, is the fact that the Core of the Spiritual Christians possessed far greater knowledge than any of the pseudo-scholars who teach in our universities today.   What happened?   There was a segment of the Church that had become paganized and morally bankrupt (see The Example Of Paul Of Samosata ), and these very pagan Christians entered into a covenant with the Emperor Constantine, and the Church became proscribed by pagan Rome.   The result was that (1) the emperor who ruled over the Church, dictated the acceptable doctrines of belief; (2) the Spiritual Christians were denounced and condemned as heretics who were hunted down and murdered; (3) the most corrupted copies of the scriptures (see Bible Corruption) were further rewritten in order to make them support the dogma of pagan Rome; (4) and the higher spiritual knowledge that the Church previously possessed, became outlawed as heresy.   Contrary to the modern Bible, the original scriptures supported the original position that Jesus was a man who lived a holy and consecrated life -- and thus, became the Anointed (Messiah/Christ) at his baptism in the Jordan (see The Ten Words).   That the scriptures are themselves an allegory that both preserve and conceal the inner core of teachings that is necessary to gain entrance to the Kingdom Within (see An Inconvenient Truth), is a reality of fact that the modern Church remains in denial of today.    And if the modern Christian is ignorant, then this ignorance is directly attributable to government intervention into the core doctrines of belief which continues to be embraced right into the present time.   Thus, when modern Atheists such as Richard Dawkins portrays the Christian as ignorant, what he is unknowingly condemning is the government doctrines that were imposed upon the Church.   Men such as  Richard Dawkins are not only absolutely clueless as to the nature and reality of the Truth of the pre-Nicene Christian Church, but their Paradigm of Thinking has totally alienated them from man's true higher reality.   

Under the heading of American Spirituality it is demonstrated that our Constitutional Framers who understood what is portrayed as the Laws of Nature and Nature's God (see American Spirituality), where themselves enlightened as to the wholesale corruption which the Church suffered under the control of Pagan Rome.    And thus, their First Amendment prohibition against the government enacting any law that infringes upon the practice of religion, is the result of the spiritual disenfranchisement of the mainstream of the Christianity by the previous governments which exhibited total and complete control over the dogmatic doctrines of the Church -- dogmatic manmade doctrines which are still embraced even today.    More than anything else our Constitutional framers understood human nature -- and that once unleashed, the reigns of government will corrupt and attempt to exercise Absolute Power in direct defiance even to its Constitutional Charter and Mandates -- and this fact is demonstrated conclusively in the issue of the claim of a religious exemption from the seat belt law (see Is North Carolina Constitutionally Immoral?).   And in the same way that the North Carolina Alamance County Court has disallowed the true spiritual practice of religion -- even discarding the very primary tenets of the Constitution (see Court Ruling) -- it is important to be cognizant of the fact that when Christianity became proscribed under Pagan Rome which exercised absolute control over the doctrines of the Church, there was no judicial appeal or higher authority -- and to disagree with the dictates of the emperor, was a sentence of death.          

The Spiritual Core of Christianity remains virtually unknown today, because of direct government intrusion into the affairs of the Church with respect to acceptable doctrines of belief.   In the same way that in China only those Churches which are approved by the government are permitted, so too was the Church that came into being in the fourth century under the direct control of the Roman Emperors.   That the segment of the Church which called itself Orthodox, was a mere puppet of Pagan Rome and had little to nothing in common with the original teachings and objectives of Jesus and TheWay, should come as no surprise to the modern believer in view of the many statements of biblical scholars such as A. Powell Davies who attempted to warn the Christian world that discoveries such as the Dead Sea Scrolls had confirmed what they had suspected and believed all along -- i.e., that the Emperor Constantine and the Pagan Church of Rome created a religion of blind faith and belief where he wrote that: “Biblical scholars were not disturbed by what they found in the Dead Sea Scrolls because they had known all along that the origin of Christianity was not what was commonly supposed to have been” (quoted by Millar Burrows in More Light on the Dead Sea Scrolls).   Thus, this long ignored statement prompts us to ask: Why didn't the biblical scholars understand the true origin of Christianity prior to the discovery and examination of the Dead Sea Scrolls?   To answer this question we must consult the findings of Prof. Elaine Pagles who correctly writes: “It is the winners who write history - their way. No wonder, then, that the viewpoint of the successful majority has dominated all traditional accounts of the origin of Christianity… It suggests that these religious debates - questions of the nature of God, or of Christ - simultaneously bear social and political implications that are crucial to the development of Christianity as an institutional religion. In simplest terms, ideas which bear implications contrary to that development come to be labeled as heresy; ideas which implicitly support it become orthodox” (see Pagles, The Gnostic Gospels).    In not learning the lessons of history, modern believers have overlooked the fact that when despots rule, they not only annihilate all opposition -- but they "...write history - their way" -- and they corrupt and burn whatever writings stand in opposition to their supremacy and rule.   Which means that those doctrines of belief that are today seen as orthodox and promoted by the modern-day Church as being authentic, are themselves drawn from the side of "...political implications that [were] crucial to the development of Christianity as an institutional religion" under the direct control of Pagan Rome.   In the case of the Christian Church beginning in the fourth century, to disagree with the doctrines affirmed by the Emperor Constantine, carried with it the sentence of death.   Thus, Edward Gibbon writes in the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: ”Constantine easily believed that the heretics, who presumed to dispute his opinions or to oppose his commands, were guilty of the most absurd and criminal obstinacy... Not a moment was lost in excluding the ministers and teachers of the separated congregations from any share of the rewards and immunities which the emperor had so liberally bestowed on the orthodox clergy. But as the sectaries might still exist under the cloud of royal disgrace, the conquest of the East was immediately followed by an edict which announced their total destruction”.    Thus, in the same way that whoever did not embrace the religion of the emperor met with the sentence of death, whatever scriptures did not conform to the approved version, was immediately destroyed (see ).  

The term BC with respect to the beginning of our Common Era, should be reevaluated to indicate Before Constantine with respect to the birth of the Christ that is worshiped in the modern Church and promoted by its secularized (Orthodox) dogma.   That the modern-day Christ and the religion of the Church were conceived and born under the dominion of the Roman Emperor Constantine -- and that the dogma of the Church was purely political, in contradistinction to the spiritual foundation of the original teachings -- is demonstrated in the fact that modern Christianity has very little in common with the original objectives of the teachings of TheWay which was to bring about "...the heightening and enlargement of human consciousness”  (see Expansion Of Mind) -- which has absolutely nothing in common with the blind faith dogmatized Church that came into being in the fourth century under the rulership and doctrinal control of Pagan Rome.   But the fact that the modern Christians worship the satanic god of Constantine should come as no surprise, in view of the fact that the Apostle Paul predicted that the worship of the true God would cease, and those who called themselves Christian would instead worship Satan (see The Church of the AntiChrist).   That the objective of what Paul portrays as the god of this world, is to keep the congregation of Christians ignorant and promoters of blind-faith in the spurious doctrines of Pagan Rome, has for the most part continued to inhibit the True Spiritual ReBirth of the Church.   And while pseudo-priests such as Martin Luther convinced the Church to embrace the dogma of faith apart from actions -- to the degree that every tenet of the modern Church is openly condemned in their own New Testament (see The Lie & The Ten Minute Test), the modern believer continues to ignore the scriptures in their allegiance to the dogma of Pagan Rome.   And, just as equally important to understand, is that "...the heightening and enlargement of human consciousness”  has absolutely nothing to do with the expansion of the physical brain -- but rather, both the refinement of the physical body that permits this expansion of mind to be brought about, and the development of those areas which lie under the control of the innate Intuitive Spheres of the Mind that the physical brain does not naturally support.


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