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Losin Our Religion – Will Bishop Dolan Restor ...

An Epistle From The Lord To Archbishop Timothy Dolan:

It has been said that those who fail to learn the lessons of history, are destined to live them over again — perpetually, over, and over and over.   Bishop Timothy Dolan who is soon to become a cardinal, was assured in his meetings with Brack Obama that there would be no conflict with the Catholic Church in the requirements set forth in his new healthcare law which has come to be known as Obamacare.   In fact, Bishop Dolan gave an account of his meeting when he repeated Obama’s statement to him: “He said, ‘I don’t want anything we do to be an impediment and I take the protection of conscience and religious freedom as one of my highest responsibilities'” (see Obama’s Promise On Birth Control).  And that Obama’s actions has thus far totally ignored this promise, is in fact merely the failure on the part of Bishop Dolan to learn the fatal lessons of his own Church’s past.  

Bishop Dolan should have learned the lessons of history with respect to the corruption of the Gospel and the annexation of the Church as the religious puppet of Pagan Rome with the events that transpired in the Council of Nicaea in the fourth century (see The Corruption Of The Church).   That the prediction of Paul had come to pass, and under Roman rule the Church instituted the worship of the Anti-Christ, is demonstrated conclusively as a lesson of history (see Church Of The Anti-Christ).   And that the Spiritual Castration of the Church was brought about when the pre-Nicene Church Fathers were thrown under the bus (see The Spiritual Castration Of The Church), is merely evidence of the further downward plunge of the Church into its self-imposed Spiritual Diaspora where it presently dwells. 

That the modern Christian remains totally ignorant of the Laws and Forces that has orchestrated their present station in life, is the result of the manner in which the alliance of government dictated to the Church the acceptable beliefs they could hold — i.e., (quoting the foregoing link): As an example of how the Christian world was literally forced to adhere to the dogma of the secular priests and emperors, when the doctrine of the pre-existent soul was outlawed by the Emperor Justinian, the Britannica confirms that the emperor then forced his will upon the Church when he “…banished the pope to Egypt , and afterwards to an island, until he accepted the Council, which he ultimately did” (see Pre-Existent Soul ).    After relenting to the will of the emperor, and finely accepting the decree of the emperor after seven months of imprisonment, it is reported that the pope met with an untimely death before he could even return to the Vatican.

While the desire of the Church to provide services for those in need is admirable, the fact that it can be demonstrated that the very reason why these people are poor, and in need, is directly related to their rejection of biblical values and teachings.  What is the cause of their disease and lack of Wholeness?  It is directly attributed to their adoption of modern culture and their forced servitude to dwell on Uncle Sam’s Plantation, as demonstrated in the article The Abomination Of Obama’s Prayer.   And what this means is that if the Church truly desires to be a place of healing, then they should begin by helping the people come to terms with the nature of the disease — rather than the outward effects of the disease.   And that the pre-Nicene Church teachings clearly taught that each person’s life in this world has been orchestrated by their own past actions (see Early Church Teachings On Predestination), confirms the fact that their only means of true healing, is to repent from the actions of their own past that orchestrated their lives in the present.   And if Bishop Dolan was a wise man he would have recognized the fact that a further covenant with the devil in the form of Obamacare, will only further anchor the Church in the abyss of the Spiritual Diaspora in which they are presently shackled by the folly of their own past.  

If the facts presented in the study, Marriage: America’s Greatest Weapon Against Child Poverty is true, and that societies present-day plague of poverty is caused by their own actions in their adoption of the Social Justice agenda of the Secular Progressive Left (see  The Folly Of Social Justice – The Counterfeit Dogma Of Jim Wallis And The Marxist Left) — then to heal the people, Bishop Dolan should be rejecting Obamacare and preaching a return to biblical teachings and values, in order to reverse the Will of God.  But the fact that Bishop Dolan has once again ignored the lessons of the Church’s past, and has once again attempted to enter into a covenant with the powers of this world that seduce the people into abandoning biblical values and morality, is merely the result of the continued folly of a spiritually disenfranchised Church.   Paul is quoted as commanding in the article  The Abomination Of Obama’s Prayer, “But now I have written to you not to keep company with anyone named a brother, who is sexually immoral, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner — not even to eat with such a person (1 Cor 5:11 NKJV) — and the Gospels present the cause of the people’s poverty and turmoil in the words of Jesus: “…sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee”(John 5:14 KJV).“…a worse thing come unto them”, is representative of the spiritual apostasy that is the cause of their present-day struggle in the first place.  

In contradistinction to the liberal Secular Progressives, Conservatives are far more supportive of eliminating and healing the cause of the tribulation — than attempting to adapt one’s mindset and lifestyle to an existence in subject to a counterfeit ideology.    That in their blind abandonment of the lessons of the past, liberals choose to live as subjects to their failed attempts to create a Utopian culture that strives to re-engineer life on earth in accord with their own design — even in the face of their abject denial of the Natural Laws and historical examples that has proven successful (see American Spirituality) — is representative of the epitome of their insanity of doing the same thing and expecting different results.    

Since the fourth century the Church has been consumed with promoting dispensations to the Corrective Actions of the Will of God and living in accord with essential Gospel teachings — to the degree that it is easily demonstrate that they have made themselves apostates to the Kingdom by their promotion of a fraud (see The Lie).  While the plight of man is clearly presented at the foregoing link, the Church has chosen to ignore the facts of history — continuing to make pacts with the devil — and further immersing the people in a self-imposed hell.  

The Sign: In the same way that it was the Miracle of the Festival of Lights that served as the gateway for the return of the Jews to Jerusalem, it is the betrayal of the Church by Obama that should be a sign to the Bishop Dolan that the rebirth of the Church can become a reality, if he presents the Epistle Of Light to the pope in his upcoming trip to the Vatican (see http://EpistleOfLight.com ).    In the same way that the lost prodigal son must first repent from his past sins when he turns and begins his return journey to the Kingdom of the Father, the Church can only be restored through repentance from its past covenants with the powers of this world — and this repentance must begin with a restoral of the Truth and TheWay.   The original Gospel of Mark ended with the words: “This Age of lawlessness and unbelieving lies under the sway of Satan, who will not allow what lies under the unclean spirits to understand the truth and power of God; therefore, they said to Christ, reveal your righteousness now. Christ answered them, The term of years for Satan’s power has now expired, but other terrors are at hand. I was delivered to death on behalf of sinners,that they might return to the truth and sin no more, that they might inherit that glory of righteousness which is spiritual and imperishable in heaven” (see Original Teachings).


Can the former Glory and Spirituality of the Church be restored?   If Bishop Dolan can convince Pope Benedict to give back to the people the important scriptures that Pope John Paul II refused to return — scriptures that are pure and necessary to restore the Truth and TheWay — and cease to throw the sacrament of Marriage under the bus (see Reply: Is Marriage Lost – Or Was It Thrown Away By The Church?) — instituting School Choice in order to protect all young children from being indoctrinated into the gross immorality that is being taught in the Nation’s schools — healing the people by teaching them to live a Consecrated Life in TheWay — only then can the Church be restored to its pre-Nicene position as a Sanctuary of Light and Healing.  

GodSpeed in TheWay,
Brother of Yeshua/Jesus


The Abomination Of Obama’s Prayer – The ...

What Would Jesus Say To Barack Obama? At this years National Prayer Breakfast, Barack Obama confirmed to the American People why the First Amendment inhibits a secular interpretation of religion (see Washington Post).   In his typical ideological promoting of Socialism under the banner of Marxist Social Justice, Obama quoted the parable of the talents and stated:  “But for me, as a Christian, it also coincides with Jesus’s teaching that ‘for unto whom much is given, much shall be required.’ ” — but is Obama’s rendition of this parable valid?

The parable of the Talents is one of many Gospel teachings that is very difficult for the modern Christian to understand, because of the removal and anathema of an important teaching of Jesus that was outlawed by the Roman Emperors who ruled the Church (see Emperor Controlled Dogma).   But even more important is the fact that the manner that Obama has presented this parable in his speech, is in reverse and in denial of its spiritual meaning and intent. The true meaning of the parable of the Talents presents one of the core Gospel teachings that confirm that each person is born into life in accord with their previous actions, as presented and explored in The Biblical Foundational Mindset — which original teaching is further confirmed in the pre-Nicene teachings on Predestination.  Because the Roman Emperors who ruled over the doctrines of the Church after the year 325 had outlawed the Gospel teachings on the pre-existent soul, many modern Christians have been duped into embracing a Marxist doctrine of Social Justice because they totally lack an understanding of the Conditions of Birth from an original Gospel perspective.   Thus the question: The Gospels confirm that all things in this world are preordained — and in acknowledging this well defined biblical teaching, the question then becomes: When the Laws of God drive a person into poverty, is the Christian obligated to make a person not only comfortable in their poverty — but comfortable to the degree that they support the abandonment of First Gospel Principles?   While we would be doing good if we can assist them in bringing about meaningful change in their lives, when we instead assist them in their ungodliness, then we are working against the Will of God.

As explained in the  parable of the Talents, not only does each of us receive in accord with our own abilities that are based upon our actions in our previous lives i.e., “…each [is given] according to his own ability.” — but when we use our own God-Given gifts and Talents on the thinking and lifestyle of this world, as the prodigal sons we have therefore squandered away our own inheritance.  When the Laws of God bring poverty upon a person because of their own actions in their more distant past — and we make them comfortable in their poverty — are we not then opposing the Will of God?  Thus, Barack Obama’s reasoning is in direct conflict with what Jesus actually taught.

In the study, Marriage: America’s Greatest Weapon Against Child Poverty, it is demonstrated that those who live in poverty are in fact poor, because under the Secular Progressive domain, they have abandoned biblical morality and marriage.   Thus, their poverty and the conditions under which they live, are the direct result of their own choices and actions.  Yet, in this culture of entitlement, they expect others to provide for them, regardless of the fact that they have brought their lifestyle upon themselves by the choices they have made and the leaders they have elected to follow (see  The Folly Of Social Justice – The Counterfeit Dogma Of Jim Wallis And The Marxist Left).   Yet, Paul correctly states:“But now I have written to you not to keep company with anyone named a brother, who is sexually immoral, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner — not even to eat with such a person (1 Cor 5:11 NKJV) — and the Gospels present the cause of their poverty and turmoil in the words of Jesus: “…sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee”(John 5:14 KJV).   

What Paul is stating is that it is of course a sin to support the immorality and sinfulness of those who choose to dwell in sin.   If Christians are commanded by Paul to have no part in the sin of those who have abandoned biblical morality — to the degree that a Christian should   “…not even to eat with such a person” — and Jesus warns the person who he healed to cease from sin, lest a worse thing such as even greater poverty come upon them — then when Christians use their money and resources to indiscriminately support and promote lives of sin, then they have in fact cast themselves in the role of the servant who squandered away his God-Given Talents on the things of this world — which is in reverse of Barack Obama’s interpretation.   

The solution to the dilemma is found in the words of Benjamin Franklin who correctly stated: I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth I travelled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.”

The poor and disenfranchised in this country is the direct result of the failed Secular Progressive agenda they have embraced.  Author, and one time welfare mom Star Parker, portrays the poor as the victims of Uncle Sam’s Plantation.  God-fearing people are in no manner obligated to support the lifestyle of those who abandon morality and biblical standards.   While it is good to provide food and clothing to those in need, to take away from those who are living by spiritual standards, to give to those who have abandoned spiritual standards, is in and of itself sin.  

The objective of Marxism and their doctrine of Social Justice, is to make the whole of the population dependent upon the government.   The idea that Jesus wants Christians to support those who have abandoned Gospel First Principles, and have openly embraced lives of immorality — those who have rejected the institution of marriage and brought forth children out of wedlock — those who have squandered away their lives on alcohol, drug abuse and addictions — is so adverse to the Gospel teachings, that Barack Obama should be embarrassed to promote his doctrine of Social Justice as being biblically ordained.    But then again, when it is realized that Obama’s idea of the balance of church and state is to give the Catholic Church an extra year to abandon their teachings on reproduction and abortion, the whole idea of Obama as a constitutional law professor must be questioned.   If the state can enact a law that inhibits the religious positions of the Church, then the whole concept of First Amendment Religious Protection is a bogus fraud.  

The history of what has been portrayed as the War on Poverty, has proven the wisdom of Benjamin Franklin to be correct.   And just as important is the fact that if you use your God-Given resources to make those who have abandoned the biblical teachings comfortable in their sin, then you are in fact yourself promoting a life of sin which is portrayed as unforgivable apostasy to the Gospel in the scriptures (see The Lie).   While you should provide food and necessities to those in need, when you give indiscriminately — and make lives of sin easy and comfortable — then you make yourself a proponent of sin.  

A wise servant will provide greater assistance to those who sincerely strive to embrace and live in accord with Gospel teachings and a biblical lifestyle.  Therefore, to even promote the idea that Jesus wants you to reward those who have abandoned the Gospel teachings — providing them comfort in lives where the Laws of God has brought tribulation upon them — i.e.,  “…sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee” — is to make yourself an instrument of sin.   While it is good to feed the hungry, your greater assistance should be reserved for those who repent, and seek to change their ways.       

In Reply To Barack Obama in the Name of Yeshua/Jesus

Brother of Yeshua/Jesus


The Trinity

Having been asked many questions pertaining to the Trinity — and always from the perspective of clarifying the great confusion that exists across a wide spectrum of believers and non-believers — in the below I have adapted one such a reply which I ma…