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Clement on How The Multitude Measure

The majority of people, wise in their own estimation, follow minstrels and make use of laws, knowing that many are bad, few good; but that the best pursue glory: for the best make choice of the everlasting glory of men above all. But the multitude cram themselves like brutes, measuring happiness by the belly and […]


Clement on Faith and Knowledge

Faith is the foundation; knowledge the superstructure, by knowledge faith is perfected, for to know is more than to believe. Faith is a summary knowledge of urgent truths; knowledge a sure demonstration of what has been received through faith, being itself reared upon faith through the teachings of the Lord. Thus the Gnostic grasps the […]


A Name, Me?

Since this first post shall form the basis for the rest of this blog, I thought I would begin by returning to my own beginnings, that I can remember, and also walk through the beginnings of this blog, that I can remember. My name is Shohn. Pleased to meet you, dear reader. If this is […]


I’m surrounded by Communists pretendin ...

I’ve always believed I lived in a democracy and have been grateful for this blessing.  In my early twenties I was a Rifleman with the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada http://www.argylls.ca/ .  Although I was never called upon to … Continue reading


An Unpopular Viewpoint About Women by a ...

I miss the days when it was customary, and freely offered, for men to stand when a lady entered the room. (These days we’re lucky to get the toilet seat put down.) For those of you who have not had this experience, you are missing out on the most phenomenal feeling of being considered very […]


The Choices You Must Make

The Choices You Must Make  “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it” — over and over again — spanning lifetime after lifetime after lifetime.  Those who are presently supporting politicians who are striving to crush …


The Lost Gospel Q

Is there  a Lost Gospel Q that is the source of the Gospels(see https://youtu.be/7IuiUudahR0 )?  Or is this search just one of many misleading assertions that inhibit believers from finding and discovering the truth.   Church author…


Jacob’s Ladder

THE ALLEGORY OF JACOBS LADDER Jesus Knew Their Thoughts: Did the original followers who were personally taught by Jesus know the truth when they said that Jesus became the Anointed (Messiah/Christ) by fulfilling the Law? Does the Law track and monit…


The Circus Prostitute Who Ruled Over Chu ...

The Legacy Of The Circus Prostitute Who Ruled Over The Church It is a Fact of History that the modern Church adheres to the dictates of a Circus Prostitute turned political activist (see http://Ebionite.com/reincarnation.htm#circusprostitute ). …


Dwelling In The Mind Of God

 Dwelling In The Mind Of God (quoting from The Universe Is A Great Mind http://KnowThySelf.Nazirene.org#GreatMind  Within the domain of science there is a revolutionary conflict being waged between what can be portrayed as Dogmatic-Scienti…


The Sufi Prodigal Son

The Journey Back To God And The Edenic KingdomThe Sufi Prodigal SonEach of us is the prodigal son/daughter who emerged out of Eden, and is presently evolving our Soul-Consciousness in this world which is portrayed as the Far Country. The Gospel teac…


Brother Of Yeshua/Jesus 2021-09-26 11:59 ...

 The True Prophet within youEach name in the scriptures has a meaning — a frequency vibration — a reality of mind — and is referencing a level of consciousness achieved at that point in the process of Spiritual Evolution and Advancement. And …


Brother Of Yeshua/Jesus 2021-09-20 08:23 ...

One Nation Under God — Who’s God — Christians In Denial Of The FactsThe question is whose God? While I agree with the reality of “One Nation Under God”, it is often the most irrational people who promote the rhetoric.  What if the God of Moses,…


The Einstein Rule

The Einstein Rule And The Paradoxical Enigma Einstein’s Rule is Paradoxically True.  A Paradox portrays two Truths that are opposite, conflicting and equally true, and can only be harmonized and brought together on a Higher Plane.   Wh…


Waiting For The Return Of Jesus

 Waiting For Jesus’ Return Are You Waiting Jesus’ Return? With respect to the promised coming of the Kingdom, Jesus explained “Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingd…